Facts of Interest

In the past 2O years approximately 1 million species have disappeared from the world's tropical forests.
• from1950-1985 over 40% of the central American rain forests were destroyed to create grazing land for cattle.
• the unitedstates imports over 100,000 tons of beef from central America each year.
• it takes 23 gallons of water to produce a pound of tomatoes. it takes 5,214 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef.
• one acre of land can produce 20,000 pounds of potatoes. one acre of land can produce 165 pounds of beef.
• the u.s. cattle Industry produces 158 million tons of waste per year. Livestock production is the #1 cause of water pollution In the u.s.
• 22 million acres of land have become unusable due to desertification.
• 85% of the topsoil loss in the u.s. Is the result of livestock production.
• in the u.s. 33% of ALL raw material consumption is used solely in the production of meat, egg, and dairy products.
• It takes 1 pound of grain to make 1 pound of bread.
• it takes 20 pounds of grain to make 1 pound of beef.
• 75% of the grain sent to 3rd world nations goes to livestock production.
• the countries with the diets highest in
animal products are also the countries with the highest rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. ....
50 percent of men who eat meat regularly die of heart disease.... 4 percent of men who eat no animal products die of
heart disease.
• 80% of USDA chicken inspectors no longer eat chicken....
•if the average commuter passenger load in the u.s. were increased by lust 1 person per day we would save 33 million gallons of gas each day.
• Americans spend over 1 billion hours stuck in traffic each year.
• 30% of u.s. greenhouse gas emissions come from cars.
• air is sold in Mexico city for $1.15 a minute by sidewalk vendors.
• what green peace spends in a year general motors spends in 4 hours....
• 3.5 million children under the age of 6 suffer from lead poisoning.
• in Europe 50% of the cars still use leaded gas.
• 2 million gallons of motor oil are dumped in American waterways each year.
• over 8 million tons of oil are spilled into the world's oceans every year.
• 5 billion gallons of water are flushed each day in the united states.
• sewage treatment facilities in the u.s. discharge 5.9 trillion gallons of sewage waste water into coastal waters
every year.
• u.s. tuna fishermen are permitted to kill over 20,000 dolphins every year.
• 2 million sharks die in drift nets In the north pacific every year. • only 1 in 10 baby chimpanzees survive the trip from the jungle to the zoo.
• 1 billion animals are killed each year in experiments.
• 17 million animals are trapped in the u.s. each year for fur.
• many traps are so painful that animals chew through their own limbs to escape.
• for every fur animal trapped two other animals (dogs, cats, deer, etc.) are trapped and killed.
• in 1987 450,000 minks died on fur farms from heat exhaustion.
• 1 ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, & enough energy to heat the average
home for 6 months.
• enough wood and paper is thrown away each year in America to heat 1 billion houses for a year.
• six times more jobs are created by recycling as opposed to landfill operations.
• the amount of money spent on trash disposal in American schools is equal to that spent on new textbooks.
• out of every $10 that Americans spend on food, $1 pays for packaging.
• 65% of garbage in the u.s. is packaging.
• 50% of all trash thrown away could be recycled into new products. 500 new dumps are built each year in the united states.
• over 1 billion trees are used to make disposable diapers every year.
• Americans throw away 20 billion disposable diapers each year.
• Americans dump the equivalent of 21 million shopping bags full of food into landfills every year.
• 2.6 billion batteries are thrown away each year by Americans.
• over 700,000 tons of hazardous waste is produced in the u.s. every day. -
•Americans throw away 10 million cigarette lighters every week.
• 500,000 people die of cigarette related diseases in the u.s. each year.
• pesticides that are banned in the u.s. (such as ddt) are regularly sold to third world countries.
• 90% of all food borne pesticides are found in meat and dairy products.
• 10% of nursing mothers who were vegetarians had ddt in their breast milk.
• 90% of nursing mothers who were meat eaters had ddt In their breast milk.
• in 1945, before widespread pesticide use, u.s. corn growers lost 3% of their crops to insects. Last year
they lost over 12%.
• 74 different kinds of pesticides have been found in drinking water.
• over 100 chemical contaminants have been found in the breast milk of nursing mothers in the u.s. .... of the 34 chemicals most widely used on lawns, 25% are widely believed to cause birth defects, genetic mutation, and cancer.
• Americans spend 6 billion dollars on their lawns each year. • 25% of u.s. nuclear reactors would not be able to contain a core breach meltdown.
• a 1985 study predicted a 45% chance of core breach meltdown In the u.s. before 2005.
• in 1992, 430,000 people in the world died from cancers resulting from nuclear testing radiation.
• more money is spent in the u.s. on nuclear weaponry in one year than was spent on housing from 1980-1992.
• to date, cleaning up storage facilities for nuclear debris has cost taxpayers 200 billion dollars.
• in 1989 the u.s. military used 200 billion barrels of oil, enough to keep all American public transit systems running for 22 years.
• 1 ton of toxic waste is produced by the u.s. military every minute.

Source: Moby ; "Every Thing is Wrong" 1995

More to Think About

Millions of children are obliged to work under conditions, which mean refusing them the right to be children. These works often lead to chronic diseases, eye injuries, physical or intellectual backwardness and even in numerous cases to a premature death.

According to estimations, the number of working children is superior to 100 million in only India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. In Africa and South America, about 20% of the children work. Is it normal that in Brazil more than 200,000 children live on the streets ?

It is estimated that 100 millions of young girls, most of them in Africa, are the victims of sexual mutilations such as excision and infibulation.

"Earth can provide enough to satisfy everyone's needs but not everyone's greed"'. (Mahatma Gandhi).

Two worlds are living together on Earth, the rich are getting richer and richer and the poor who have nothing are the witnesses of waste on their TV. The inhabitants of poor countries watch the rich and opulent world through their TV screen.

Decision-makers are themselves hypnotized by the expression of growth measured in absolute value. The world is in a phase of polarization with a deeper and deeper gap between the poor and the rich worldwide. Out of the 23,000 billion dollars (representing the world GNP in 1993), 18,000 billion came from industrial countries as opposed to only 5,000 billion from under-developed countries. The latter, however, is composed of 80% of the global population.

Currently on the planet, 358 individual billionaires' fortunes are superior to the accumulated yearly income of 45% of the planet's poorest inhabitants.

In the last thirty years, the share of income of the 20% of the poorest people in the world went down from 2.3 to 1.4%. At the same time, the share of the 20% of the richest population rose from 70% to 85%.

In the last 30 years, the proportion of people living in countries with a yearly growth superior to 5% has more than doubled (going from 12% to 27%) but the proportion of the world population with a negative growth of this income has more than tripled (going from 5% to 18%).

In Europe and in developed countries, life expectation at birth is about 75 years old. Japan holds the record with 79 years old, followed by Switzerland, Sweden and Iceland: 78 years old. But do you know the situation in other countries ?

In Sub-Saharan Africa life expectation drops to 50 years old, the record is held by Sierra Leone at 39.

In France in 1994, 12.000 suicides were successful! (In comparison: 8,400 people died from road accidents). There is one suicide every ten attempts.

In Western Europe it is estimated that 90,000 suicides were committed during this same year.

A successful suicide is committed every 5 minutes and a suicide attempt every 30 seconds...

Since 1945, until the end of World War II, there have been one hundred conflicts which have caused about 21 million deaths (38,000 per single month).

Today, 120 Angolan people, 300 Cambodians and 80 Afghanis people are killed or injured by antipersonnel mines every month.

The delivery of weapons, made in rich countries and destined to under-developed countries represented 165 billion dollars between 1986 and 1990.

On television as well as in the newspapers, violence has become second nature. Children learn how to kill at the youngest age with toys that are given to them to show them how to do it.

Fanaticism is a success.

In Egypt, Fatwa which is promulgated by Cheikh Omar Adbel Rahman makes armed robbery, including killing, legal when necessary against the 'Christian unbelievers and impious state".

In Pakistan, intellectuals, like Salman Rushdi, are sentenced to death.

Even France does not respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A right to persecute minorities is emerging.

In the Bavarian State in Germany, members of the Church of Scientology are no longer allowed to have administrative jobs. A declaration of religious membership has to be signed to become employed by administrations. We are in the midst of a complete regression, you would think we were back in the times of Hitler with the hunting of the Jews.

Source: The Raelian Revolution 2002

More Food For Thought~
The Perpetual Mind Intercourse Part II
The Perpetual Mind Intercourse Part III
The Perpetual Mind Intercourse Part IV

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