Submission Guidelines

I realize that my poetry is about forbidden love and forbidden love should be a no no.
I truly believe that there are 2 things in life which are sacred. One is life itself. The other is marriage.
Sometimes married people find themselves in love with someone they aren't married to.
I wish this on no one
At one time I would not have understood this but since it's happened to me, I do.
Still I will not approve of poetry on this site which openly encourages the breaking up of a married couple.
I will not approve poetry which outrightly condones adultery.
There are some exceptions to the above:
For instance a poem which expresses the anguish of not having the one you so desire might be written in a way that is trying to get the other person to break their resolve not to go "all the way". As long as the poem shows that one party has that resolve I may post the poem if it illustrates the hell that these relationships often put people through.

I think that should give you an idea of where I'm coming from.
Other than that, I will not post anything which I consider to be in bad taste.

If you have any questions, by all means email me.

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