I promise to give and will always strive to have a comfortable life for you and our children. It may not be a glittering fame, a glamorous lifestyle or a lavish fortune but we will always get by, and that I assure you.
Also, rest assured that I'll always remain faithful to this marriage; never needing any love than your love, never wanting any touch than your loving touch, and never having any woman other than the one I'm holding hands with this very moment.
Someday soon, the man of your dreams will wither yet the best friend you've always wanted lives on. When that day comes, I may no longer be a lover but I'll pick up the pieces and gather my ego to hold you, to kiss you.
At the end of the day, when we're old and wrinkled, whether I'm bald or grey; I'll stay by you and hold your hands with a smile in my face. Never forgetting these words I say, always remembering this very day.
Yes I do, John, I take you as my husband. Never forgetting that you are God's best gift to me, Ever thanking Him for your love and friendship. We've been through a lot and still we're full of love, full of support and full of understanding for each other, and for that and all the other things I will always remember and treasure the strength of this union. The very same strength that will forever keep us going through all the highs and lows.
I promise to be with you thru all your triumphs and much more during your defeats; to love and cherish you when times are good and moreso when times are bad; to ask not for material comforts instead to bask in your love and presence; to ask not for anything more that what we have and what you offer.
Now with our friends and families gathered here today there are only a few words that I've yet to say: Bennette, with your help, I promise to deliver a very good marriage and not just your dream wedding day.
I promise to give you the best of me and not ask of you what you can not give. Instead, I'll recognize and respect you and your own views, traditions, outlook and opinion; to understand that we may differ, but yours will never be less important than my own. I will always remember that these are the qualities that I fell in love with and will not change you to suit my dreams. In time of conflict I promise to listen to you with an open mind and open heart with careful words and untainted thoughts. To let my love for you take an upperhand and forego my pride and ego.
I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you into my innermost thoughts and dreams, into my deepest fears and feelings. I will never shut you out instead put you, with God at the center, in the whole of my being having my complete trust.
I promise to grow old with you, and face the changes for we both shall change in order to grow better and wiser and be the best we could ever be.
And before God, our families and friends I vow to love and accept you -- in good times and in bad, hits or misses, now and hereafter -- the only way I know how...fully, completely and unconditionally.