Jack McNair
He who Walks with Death
Nature: Beta
Deamonor: Beta
Tribal Weakness: Can't regain Gnosis in the wyld
Core Beliefs: The wyrm comes in many forms.  I shall hunt down each and everyone, but first comes money and power.  You see the foolish wyrm will pay me to destroy their children for them.  Those are the first to die.
Derangements: N/A
Languages: English
Quirks: Refuses to carry less then 5 weapons at any given time; Spends 10 + hrs a week training at the local firearms range.  spends 20 + hrs repairing and rebuilding weapons.
Goals:  To Rid the city of Ashlands of its wyrm tainted beings through death destruction and wits.
Hobbies: Rebuilding old and used weaponry.
Group Affiliations: Wise Guys, House of Rightful Justice
Rank: Fostern (2)
Significant Acomplishments:  Ask him; He is the enforcer for the Shadow Walkers
Age: 23
Date of Birth: Jan 21, 1975
Identifying Marks : none are visible
Appearance : Black trench coat, Black leather gloves, Black Ray bands, Silk black shirt, black dockers
Nationality: American
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs

Known packs : None (well Shadow Walkers aren't exactly known )
Known Alias(es): People of the streets, This man for being the killer and the destroyer for some reasons has a coming with the people of the down and out.  Maybe one day Cardigan will understand him.

Posessions: Warehouse in the barrens, Security system, computer, Misc. gun parts in various states, gun cabinets, gun safe, m1 rifle, uzi's, 9mm, .50 cals, 45's, 357's etc

Private Library: Weapons repair, reconditioning and making
Currently studying: Weapons in all forms

Pack Remarks

  Delalupo: "A good man...loyal. A little on the agressive side, but that is to be expected."
  Cardigan: "If there's any one man I want covering my back in a firefight, it's Jack McNair."
  Cardel: "That man is too fast with a gun, and too slow to think. I trust him, sure, but it's hard to be comfortable around
someone who simply thinks himself as a murderer."
  Slakov: "If he used his brain, half as much as he used his trigger, he'd be a force to be reckoned with."
  BullRoar: "Boss? Hm, here, maybe an analogy will help here. Picture yourself the grumpiest miser you can find. Now
shove an umbrella up his ass and open it. Nice mental image? Thought so."
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