Claws with Innocence
Aka Mike Craigshaw         House Fang of Garm
Sept of the bleeding heart  Totem Fenris
Pack (ex Garm's Rage)      Wyverns Rage
Lupus   Get of  Fenris       Arhoun(modi) Fostern
STR 6   CHA 2       PER 2
DEX 3  MAN 2(0)  INT 2
STA 5  APP 2        WIT 4
Alertness 3 Etiquette 2  Medicine 2
Athletics 3 Meditiation 3  Occult 2
Dodge 5  Melee 5   Herbalism 2
Brawl 5  Animal ken 3  Poison 2
Primal Urge 3 Survival 3  Rituals 2
Intimidation 2 Leadership 2


Razor Claws
Resist Pain
Leap of Kangroo
Sense Wyrm
Heigtned Senses
Spirt speech
Spirit of the Fray

The Minor rites- learned while back in sweden
Rite of cleansing- learned while back in sweden
Kinfolk 1
1. Susan Delane - Hopital doctor at Ashlands hospital
2. Female wolf - part of a kinfolk pack that followed him from norway(unknown)
3. small wolf- found in city brought her to female wolf for living with (unknown)
4.  Rhianna McNeil - Mate; Fianna kinfolk also member of the Rain of Ghosts (N/A)
5. Small black cub - little black cub with a attitude (can't find)

Native - norwegin- now knows how to read slightly in all languages about like a 12 year old now
English 3
Russian 1

Past life 5
Pierced veil
No Partials
Forced crinso when pissed
Vampire turns him to crinos
Fang dagger
Elf tooth necklace

Rage 7
will power 4
gnosis 5

Spirit Familiar Rank 1
Will 5 *stores 1 for claws*
Rage 5 *stores  1 for claws*
Gnosis 4 *stores  1 for claws*
airt sense
power 30


Major scars:

  1. bashed in skull -2 man wo covering- got during rite of war with Vessel of Gaia's Rage and Thragger both Fenrirs of the Sept of the Bleeding Hart
Lord Lancaster - Melee, Klaive, dagger, dexterity
Kitsu-o Wind-Weaver- Mediation