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Carpe diem

dotThe Oral Literature of Vietnam
Vo Thu tinh takes an in-depth look at the genesis and nature of the oral literature of Vietnam and its function as the underpinning of Vietnamese popular culture, which has survived alongside the written tradition. Presented as a lecture in French before the Belgian Writers Society in 1978, the article still retains its validity and freshness. A cornucopia of examples enlivens the scholarlship.

dot Cao Bá Quát: A Thang-Vo Revolution? by Vo Thu Tinh Vietnamese version --- English version updated
On literary achievement, no one denies Cao Ba Quat an exalted place in Sino-Vietnamese poetry of the nineteenth century. Then he joined an uprising led by Le Duy Cu against the Nguyen King, and paid for this action with his life. In this article Vo Thu Tinh addresses the question of whether Cao Ba Quat was a revolutionary as he called himself, or a rebel as the King's Court considered him to be. Vietnamese version --- English version

dot The Mnemonic Language and the Oral Tradition in Viet Nam by Vo Thu Tinh
There is scarcely a society that has not had an oral tradition, whether literary or philosophical, to pass on its collective wisdom and lore, especially before its language is reduced to writing. This tradition may continue even after a script has been designed. Join Vo Thu Tinh for an in-depth look at Vietnamese oral poetry, an engrossing topic in its own right.

dot A Branch of the Plum, Nhat Chi Mai or Cao Tat Thi Chung
The poem by the 11th-century monk Man Giac A Branch of the Plum or Nhat Chi Mai poses challenges for those who attempt its translation into Vietnamese. Read Ly Lang Nhan's thoughts about these challenges.

dot Chu Nom, Ancienne Ecriture du Vietnam by Vo Thu Tinh French version     English version updated
The Chu Nom or demotic script was for over four centuries the writing system of the Vietnamese language. Vo Thu Tinh makes a compelling case for Chu Nom to be the cultural tool responsible for the flowering of Vietnamese, as opposed to Sino-Vietnamese, literature down to the late 19th century.

Pendant plus de quatre siècles le Chu Nom ou l'écriture démotique a été l'écriture semi-officielle de la langue vietnamienne. Vo Thu Tinh donne des raisons convaincantes pourquoi le Chu Nom est un instrument culturel de la floraison de la litérature vietnamiene jusqu'à la fin du 19e siècle.

dotSous l'ancien regime vietnamien or Under Vietnam's Old Regime
In this brief paper Vo Thu Tinh studies the socio-political structure of old Vietnam, where the king, the mandarins, and the village elders were the effective leaders of the country. Read it in English.

Dans ce bref article Vo Thu Tinh discute la structure socio-politique du Vietnam sous l'Ancien Régime, et les rapports entre le roi, les mandarins, et les chefs de village, qui sont les dirigeants des affaires du pays. Lisez-le en français.

dotDid You Hear Autumn?
This song of autumn fills you with romance, deep emotions, and tender love, tinged with melancholy and nostalgia.

dot Carpe Diem
If life is short, and youth is fleeting, why wait for old age to catch up with you and regret lost opportunities? Therefore, seize the day, and make the most of it now. It is the message of Carpe Diem as proclaimed by these French poets.

dotAutumn Impressions updated
You may be inspired by the gorgeous fall colors, or just love the beautiful landscape. Enter the world of fall, and see what it stirs deep inside you. Autumn Impressions brings you the beauty and melancholy of the season that presages the bleak of winter as it is depicted by some French, English, and Vietnamese poets.

dotUnrequited Love
Love and despair, be so near to the beloved person, yet so far, and pine away unbeknownst to her. This drama of unrequited love occurred sometime in the past, and certainly continues to occur.

dotThe Hamlet
Poetic effusion in this song will send your imagination soaring and your emotion escaping to the land of yesteryear that is exotic for many, and homey for many others. Drop in on the Hamlet for a visit to the love and the land.

dotCrystal Sunshine
A phantasmagoric vision cum expressionist painting excites your sense of wonder in this song of praise of a woman's eyes. Is it the color of her eyes or the color of the sun?

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