This is my Magical Page of
This page is for the young
and young at heart!



The Land of Dreams

Far off in another land
the land of many dreams
life is so exciting
and nothings as it seems!
It's where anything is possible
where magic does exist
and frogs turn into princes
when they are but kissed.
A land where trolls and ogres dwell
and dragons, nymphs and sprites.
A place where damsels in distress
are saved by gallant knights.
I long to be a part of this
to be where things are bright
to be a part of this magic world
is what I dream each night.


My Peculiar Pet

I have a quite peculiar pet
my friends queue up to see
my pretty purple panther
prowling pompously.
He's not a normal panther
I pamper him you see
I let him use my pillow
and feed him constantly.
He likes to eat potatoes,
parsnips, pies and peas
he also eats spaghetti,
he eats everything he sees.
At night when we're in bed
he purrs persistently
but I don't mind at all
as he's Purr-fect company!



Whenever things go missing
and disappear without a trace
I bet its in the basement
that horrid, eerie place.
I really hate the basement
its full of things I dread
it reminds me of the cemetery
so cold and dark and dead.
The cobwebs are abundant
the noises are quite scary
and if I have to go down there
I am always very wary.
As I descend those creaky stairs
I jump three at a time
down into the dingy depths
of all that dust and grime.
I go about my business
and do what must be done
then like a lightening bolt
up the stairs I run.
And when I close the door
I hear a deafening sound
a voice laughing HA HA HA
deep beneath the ground!


Susie Saunders

Susie Saunders somewhat deranged
very odd and quite estranged.
She liked spiders, snakes and rats
also leeches and vampire bats.
Now Susie Saunders was quite unwise
one night she came to her demise
a vampire bat was impolite
and decided he would take a bite.
Poor Susie Saunders, its so sad
that she had such a dangerous fad!



The Headmaster

Oh, headmaster you scare me
with you swishy cane
your menacing eyes
and colourful ties
yes, you are insane!
Oh, headmaster you scare me
your teeth are really yellow.
You're like a bear
in your lair
letting out your bellow!
Oh, headmaster you scare me
punishment you inflict.
The school you reign
with disdain
being very strict!
