Inspiration Page

Help us, Lord, to see that YOU -
not your gifts,
YOU, not your blessings -
You...are the Divine Answer,
our Peace, and our Fulfillment...
Help us to recognise the sufficiency of YOU.

I would like to share these poems that I wrote!
I have been writing for a number of years, and
most I have written have helped me to get through
that particular period in my life.

Listen to Me

Please listen to what I have to say
and see what can't be seen
for even though I'm talking
it's not really what I mean.
So listen to me carefully
I may just drop my guard
and if you show me empathy
I may drop this big facade.
Don't rush me with your good advice
just be patient and take heed,
to be heard and understood
is what I really need.
If you tell me not to worry
I'll clam up and go and hide
and not tell you my problems
that trouble me inside.
So please don't push me aside,
be here and cry with me.
Then I'll know you truly listened
and comforted I'll be.



On the outside I look happy
and seem to coast along
but on the inside I am hurting
from those who did me wrong.
People see me as outgoing,
confident and bright
but on the inside I'm in turmoil
so uncertain and uptight.
I carry everybody's guilt
like a darkened shadow cast
that weighs upon my shoulders
is my baggage from the past.
I take to heart what people say
and what they think of me
I look into the mirror
and don't like what I see.

Now many days have passed
and my life has turned around
for now I'm much more confident
my self-esteem I've found.
Now I try to be assertive
and I really do believe
whatever goals I set myself
I really can achieve.
I have the right to change my mind
to agree or disagree
for I have my own opinions
and they're a part of me.
I have the right to make mistakes
and to be treated with respect
no more being negative
and no more self neglect.
I am sensitive and caring
and now I always smile
because I know without a doubt
that I really am worth while.

The Land of Fantasy

There is a place above the clouds
beyond the eye can see
it is an extraordinary place,
tis the Land of Fantasy.
Where there's no such thing as reason
and no such thing as time,
where impossible is possible
and everything's sublime.
It's the world of imagination
where wishes do come true!
A place in every childs mind
and adults only few!
Sometimes when I am lonely
I close my eyes to see
the world the way I dreamed it was
a nicer place to be!!!

May anyone who reads this page
take with them a blessing.
I have a small devotional that I
read daily and I would like to share
some of the passages with you.

Take me as high as you want me to go, Lord,
Make me whatever you want me to be.
Lift me above my own narrow horizon
That I might fulfill your true vision for me.

Lord, enable me and empower me with a love
that is willing to approach the unapproachable,
to touch the untouchable, to love the unlovable,
and to accompish the impossible in your name.

Think of a rainbow, and storm clouds won't hide
the afternoon sun from your view.
Think of a rose, and you won't mind the thorns -
they're a part of the miracle too.

My Joke Page.
