Draconic Wicca

It all started with me going to my high school's Bible Club. Back when I was a sophomore, I was very confused about not only my life, but my religion. My parents has raised me as Catholic, but I soon found that Catholics were too high strung for me. They seemed to be so focused on the negative, whereas I wanted to focus on the positve, so I kinda stayed agnostic throughout high school, while still attending the Bible Club meetings. Also at the time I started writing poetry like a crazy person, mostly to deal with the stress in my life. My best friend, Kleo who was also into poetry, we started writing poetry together and would let each other read our poems and critique them. Kleo was also into wicca, (white magic) here I was intoduced and got hooked. I found that wicca was so much more my style, with a love for nature and a need to be outside alot, I began to read up on the subject. Now, some four years (roughly) later, I am a semi-practicing wiccan that is still learning and still practicing.

What I titled this page is Draconic Wicca. What is that exactly? Well, I have discovered that I am a dragon. The dragon is a symbol of strength in the orient, and a symbol feared and revered in the west, these ideas make dragons probably the most interesting and misunderstood race in the world. After I had discovered my draconic nature I began collecting dragons and with help from my boyfriend/fiance and my family have gain a sizable collection.

So after that, I decided that if I was dragon and I was practicing wicca why couldn't I meld the two into my own religion, draconic wicca. This simply means that I practice wicca that has aspets of my dragon heritage. I discoverd that I am a lightening/fire dragon, so I use a lot of fire in my rituals and poetry. I believe that I cannot harm any other living being, but use my magic to heal instead. And I am constantly on the road to knowledge, hence this page.

*image by Michael Whelan*

Goddess Strength

Within the whiteness that I have created
Soft folds wrap me in warmth

I wrap my arms around you
There is no fear.

You tremble at my touch
Do not fear

I alone know your pain
Trust that I know what you know.

Give me reason to help you.
Lost child among the ruins

Your distrust pains me
Let me heal you

Your suffering is unneeded
Let me soothe you.

White light from my hands
See it expand around

Warmth that comforts you.
Melting the walls around yourself.

I know you don’t believe
Distrust grows impatient

I thought the same once
Weariness gives you comfort.

I trusted those before me
Take my hand

With feint heart
I see you reach

As I reached
After my own heart

Towards the white
That leads me to you.

Goddess Strength was written today (5/4/2001) in a revelation about my personal wiccan beliefs. You see, as a witch I am designated a White Angel, or Whiter Lighter as my protector (only one of many protectors that I have) :-). Well, I realized that as a witch, I have the ability to protect those I care about, being a dragon also helps, especially when you are as big as a sixteen wheeler. So, tonight I realized as I was talking to my Angel that there was a friend of mine who has wandered away from me, and as I care for him and I find that we have more in common than he may realize, I wrote Goddess Strength in hope that he realizes that I do care and that maybe we can work things out. A soul that has nothing to hang on to is a soul that can only end up dying. I don't mean that as physical death, but the person can often be less than what it was before. Most people have serveral other souls to cling to, but there is only usually one that stands out as a protector, and this person is often a person that aids the protectee in any number of ways. I feel that I am this friend's protector, I am watching out for him, so he is never alone on his long road to travel. May the Goddess bless him!!!!

In the hierarchy of the worlds souls, just for those who are curious, goes:
1. White Angel (White Lighters)
2. Witches (ranging from dragons, elves, vampyres, anything immortal or non-human)
3. Human Witches (There isn't much ditinction here, except these are human and not what is above...this is based more aon physiology. Most people, myself included, don't make a real distinct)
4. Humans/Animals with innate pyschic ability
5. Humans/Animals that don't possess psychic abilities (Being at this level doesn't make a person weak, and shouldn't be offended)

Dragons are considered wise and magikal creatures, many tymes the reason people seek out these creatures are to gain their knowledge in the magikal arts. Because dragons can control the wind, lightening, and other natural forces, their magik is sought, both for good and ill means. With these powers dragons can become powerful allies and protectors, because as you may or may not know, when you piss off a dragon, be prepared for the consquences. As I mentioned before, I am a lightening/fire dragon, but there are all kinds of dragons that walks this world and the various astral plains that are around.

Recently I found D.J. Conway and Lisa Hunt's The Celtic Dragon Tarot Deck, I decided that this was something for me. Within this deck lies the not only the means of divination, but you can perform candle spells and do meditations as a means to discover your inner self and your dragon guide (or even what kind of dragon you are, if you happen to be a dragon trapped in a human body :-D). In time I will put some spells and meditations up...

Here is My Personal Pathway Journal!(New!!!)

Spell for a Past Life--A little something that I paln to try out :-) Goddess Bless and Blessed Be...<(New!!!)


The Wiccan Garden --A really informative site about wicca. A great site for beginnings, or anyone who need info quick!!!!

ENCHANTMENTS!--An awesome wiccan/witch store that has quite a collection of the tools used by wiccans, witches, and pagans. A very friendly place to visit. Designed by my friend, Greg.

Pagan Network--A means to search for all things Pagan

Chidren of Artemis--A web community of wiccans.

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PAGE CREATED: May 4, 2001
PAGE UPDATED: August 14, 2001

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