Her Beauty...

She loved him...
but he would never know
for he was obsessed with beauty,
the kind the models show.

She was just a friend,
her looks were very plain.
She stood by him in silence,
he would never know her pain.

She would look into the mirror
gently brush the tears away,
and beg the Lord to change her,
give her beauty for just one day.

He wined and dined his beauties,
in night spots all over town.
But he always came back to her,
when beauty let him down.

She would soothe his broken heart,
and gently hold his hand.
What words could she say to him,
to make him understand?

Beauty of face, it never lasts,
it fades throughout the years,
True beauty is found within the heart,
of she who cries the tears...

They'll put her in the ground today,
her love finally set free.
He stood upon the churches stage,
to give the eulogy.

He spoke of life and compassion,
the meaning of being a friend.
And how we all should treasure those...
and how fast it all can end.

He wiped a tear and cleared his throat,
and sadly shook his head.
He looked upon her lifeless face,
and this is what he said...

"I've searched the whole world over
looking for beauty far and wide.
But I overlooked the truest beauty,
the beauty you had inside."

He traced her lips with fingertips,
and sadly walked away.
The beauty he had been searching for
was buried here today...


© 1999 designerblu is Judi Ford


Graphics courtesy of