Personal Homepage:

Main Page
About Me
Outlook on Life
Photo Gallery
Recent Pictures

Old Homepage:

Cyberlounge(Old Homepage)
My 1st Homepage(May 1996)

Websites I created:

Seismic Focus 85 (College)
JBS Batch 80 (High School)

Struggling everyday to make a living and savoring each precious day as if it were the last,
many years yet still seem to have passed just like that...
it's all like a dream...

I've come to realize that Life is really short... and that Nothing in this world is permanent... except change..

Also..There may not be many second chances in our lives..

Live, Love, Cherish what you have..

Continue to aspire and reach out for your dreams.. never give up..

Sometimes the results may not be what you would have preferred them to be, but it's much better than not having them at all..

For all its worth, you will find that when you have tried to live life to the fullest and live your dreams, no matter how difficult they may be, you will have little or no regrets later in life..


Welcome To My Homepage....

First Created: May 1996/Last Updated: 08 Aug. 2004

© Copyright 2004 : Butch Gocho (Jesus Noel Gocho)

Singapore, Philippines, Filipino, Pinoy, John Bosco School, JBS, Adamson University

Personal Webpage Website Homepage of Butch Gocho (Jesus Noel Gocho)