
     The MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a tool widely used by psychologists and counselors determine people's personality types. (This tool, coincedentally, was invented by two American WOMEN- the mother and daughter team of Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers.)
By understanding an individual's "type," one can better understand why the indivudual reacts to certain situations in a given way. You can take these personality tests online. They are very interesting and allow you to learn a lot about yourself. (I reccommend doing so if you have the time.)

     When researching historical figures, I find that I can better understand the person if I can determine their personality type. After some thought, some research, and a great deal of trial and error, I have narrowed down Sophie's personality type to: INTP.
     Now, this may seem Greek to most of you. "INTP" stands for Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving. If you visit the links below and read the descriptions of the INTP type, (and if you are familiar with Sophie's personality by now...) you will see that they describe her rather well.

Here is a breakdown of the traits that make up the INTP personality type:

INTROVERSION: Describes Sophie's shyness. It is a well known fact that she was a rather withdrawn, overprotected child, and not surprisingly, grew up into a reserved and quiet adult. Her dislike for public attention and humble reaction to her own fame are characteristic of Introverts, who find their energies taxed, rather than invigorated, by being around other people.

INTUITION: Intuitive types are notorious for applying ingenuity to established problems. They like to look for new possibilities in problem solving and develop new theories. It is no surprise, with her intuitive streak, that Sophie was able to make headway on Fermat's Last Theorem- one of the most infamous problems of all times.

THINKING: This personality trait reflects Sophie's analytical side. "Thinking" individuals would rather deal with facts and information than with people and feelings. Quite a number of individuals who excel at mathematics and science are Thinkers.

PERCEIVING: Perceptives often distrust "tried and true" methods of doing things, and like to keep their options open; to discover new and innovative ways of looking at old ideas. They are always on a search for more information... now doesn't that sound like someone we know??


INTP type profiles

Find YOUR type/ other Personalities on the Web: (for all you psychology majors out there...)

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