Art and Poetry Page
About Me
Pictures of
Silver salmon I caught in Valdez
The Princess before she grew up
Am I the best fisherwoman in the world or what!
Pic from highschool, me at Southpark
Reflection, another from highschool
Pictures of My Room
My room the way is was for 18 years
My room now that I redecorated
The 411 on me
My name is Merri, I am now a Senior at The University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
My hobbies include horseback riding, hiking, fishing, drawing, writing poetry, and graphic
design. I was raised in Delta Junction, Alaska. I spent my freshman year of
at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. I moved to Denver which turned out to be
some serious drama. Now I'm back at UAF again, and almost done, halleluja! I spend
my summers doing carpentry with my Dad and more recently bartending.
I also work at the University during the school year, this
will be year #3. You can find me at the Fox on Wed nights and
at any of the other hoppin' spots on the weekend, provided I'm not studying my ass off,
or at home with my family. Don't ask about the boyfriend situation, that changes way
to fast to bother posting on a webpage that I only update maybe once a year, if that.
I plan on finding the man of my dreams one of these days, right now
I'm just sorting through the muck. : )