fastblaze games

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Javascript Games

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Word Search added 3/00
The Game of LifeWord Search
Crazy Line Designs 
Bubble Checkers 

The Game of Life1 icon The Game is a 2-Player Version of John Conway's Game of Life. Originally, there was no real goal in this game besides growing, surviving and dying. Now with two players, you can try to survive longer than the other or even to kill off the other while surviving. Play Life!

Word Search2 You know Word Search, where you circle the words from a list? Great fun, several rounds, in a Java applet. Don't worry, the words move when you replay. Play Word Search!

Crazy Line Designs1 icon There is no aim for the game besides killing time. Just click a line style tile, then click any line not touching an edge, and change the design completely! It's hard to believe so many designs can be made from these three tiles. Play Lines!

Bogglers iconGuess and click for another one! Don't forget to come back here for more games. Play Boggler!

Bubble Checkers1 icon A variation on checkers where you must take two spaces at once, limiting the possibilities, but increasing the opportunities to block your opponent. Play Checkers!

Battleship1 icon It really works! Take a moment to place your ships on the left, clicking the type of ship you are working on, then begin searching for the computer's ships on the right. Watch how fast it responds. Play Battleship!


1 Courtesy: Armin Kielack
2 Courtesy: Uncle Jim's







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