
What is Javascript-as-Art®? List all Javascripts H o m e Scroll down for entire list
The concept of Javascript-as-art® can be described by defining the elements of art.
Presentation of art by javascript is art in itself.
One type of presentation is the random image changer applet that rotates appealing pictures. You can select inspirational quotes and present them in a tip-of-the-day script. Or display a new and unusual example of absolute position DHTML with an embossed text script, as we did.
The operation of javascript can leave behind something that is beautiful.
See the eye-catching scrolling and fading script. The same is true of the always-on-top message, a fading, linkable, scrolling watermark or the new and popular, customizable cursor-trailer script.
Interaction, involving people in objects created by javascript, is artful
as well as entertaining, inventive and a reason to return. See the games, a background color changer, and art vote, for example.
Javascript is used in invisible, clever and artistic ways to 'move' the viewer.
The redirection utility tracks visitors from remote sources, provided that the site owner or webmaster does not use the redirecting page. It automatically moves the visitor along, also providing entertainment. A link hover underline style utility offers a simple clue to opportunities for redirection, while cleaning up the litter and distraction of underlines.
What do visitors think of Javascript-as-Art®? Raijin says: '...a site which artistically utilizes the not generally artistic language of Java...and boy, are they good! Poetry of the 21st Century...If you've read the poetry in their site, you'll be amazed at how their poems nicely express modern lifestyle without losing the artistry that has been with poems for many ages. Their poetry site includes poetry from various poets, effectively giving variety to each and every one. All of the poems are great, and not one should be skipped. Let's Play Some Games...One of the coolest segmentss of their site is the "Games" segment...here, you can play games such as "The Game of Life", the ever-popular "Word Search", the intriguing "Crazy Line Designs", Bogglers, Bubble Checkers, and my personal favorite, "Battle Ship" (I haven't lost a game...yet!) Java Good Time...You might be wondering at this point, "Well, how do they use JavaScript as art?" Simple: check each and every page! There's well-placed Javascript everywhere, and every single effect (from "Dancing Links" to "WaterMarks") serves its purpose...unlike other sites that place wild DHTML effects for no reason other than to say "Hey, can you do this?" This site [is] a well-planned one...a true gem in the net community.' Nice review, thanks! Fastblaze 5/21/00
Find links below to the examples described above. Please feel free to view the source of these scripts and incorporate them into your own site, keeping the copyright© information in tact. Where there is a separate javascript file that you need, send along a note here of the script you need and your email address, and we will be pleased to forward it. Thanks for visiting, and stop by weekly for updates to Javascript-as-Art®. Fastblaze

Need help or JS file? Name it and include email so we can write back:
History of Javascript-as-Art® Updated March 15, 2001
Links are to pages containing JavaScripts that are art or present art. Visit, then right-click and select View Source for Code. If you need a JS file, email us. Everybody does! Fastblaze and Maria
  1. Mar 15 Timer Button placed after it failed on Games page due to flashing on Animated background. That background was changed to nonaminated.
  2. Sep  23 Mouseover Images and Image Preload replace Descriptor Form of May 11, 2000. The primary image is a solid wall. The graphics were the hardest part (modest as they may be).
  3. June 10 Button Clock displays a constantly updating time on an unattractive standard button.
  4. May  26 Mouse Tracker displays mouse position in the Status Bar. This is nice when designing a page!
  5. May  14 Status Bar Text is very simple, so as not to conflict with that touchy cursor-trailer script.
  6. May  14 Link MouseOver GoTo sends visitor to the URL on mouseover. In this case, it's email.
  7. May  12 Dancing Links can be configured to change colors slowly and coordinate with colors on your page. They're flashy here to catch your eye ;)
  8. May  11 Descriptor Form has a link in the left column, and an explanation in the right textarea. Imagine the possibilities!
  9. May   7 Mouseover Change Image script added. Tip: To repeat same buttons on a page, 'name' them differently each occurence. See our code.
  10. May   6 Random graphic script that is new and simple is added.
  11. May   6 Disable right click script added.
    May   5 Script links added to main page for ease of identification. Moved watermark and background color changer to webrings page.
    Apr. 15 Fine Art nudes added to Art page.
  12. Mar. 12 Shadow Text added to Art and Games page titles. Sorry, not viewable in Netscape. Great looking!
  13. Mar. 11 Drop Menu script adapted.
    Mar.  7 Posters added to Art page.
    Mar.  6 Applied for .:aesthetic:. ring. We made it.
  14. Mar.  5 Quick Keys added to the Art page. Press 'h' or '1', etc. and you will be transported. *Most requested script.*
    Mar.  2 Animated background added to redesigned Games page.
    Feb. 22 Poetry page redesigned. Added more poetry. Received Fae Swirl award, thank you!
  15. Feb. 14 Remote Control Navigator opens a Nav Window. URLs are directed to main window. Closes when executing page is selected.
  16. Feb. 14 List Links button added. Scroll to bottom of this page. Useful for webmasters.
  17. Feb. 13 eTiles Poetry applet link added. Have applied for applet for this site.
  18. Feb. 12 French Translator lifted from www.javascript.internet.com, Javascript Source. Naughty but fun. Slightly adapted.
    Feb. 12 Site entered into Petit Palais ring!
  19. Feb. 12 Mouseover clickable MIDI button applies to one of the roses. HINT: "Cancan." It switches from stationary to animated GIF on mouseover and mouseout and plays a song when clicked. This is my baby! Maria : )
  20. Feb. 11 Random Midi Player added to French Rose. Don't worry, no loop. HINT: Roses.
    Feb. 11 Clickable music added to French Rose.
  21. Feb. 10 Menu script adapted, which operates with 3 objects: main page, called Javascript and New Window.
  22. Feb.  6 Preview Graphics Popup adapted with text on French Rose.
  23. Jan. 30 Bookmark us script on Main page. Ctrl+d also works. Script is for MSIE. We will work on adapting it for Netscape.
  24. Jan. 28 Dynamic Generators allow you to view graphics in a table, different size images! Click the name and view the picture in the box. Avoid initial load of dozens of pictures.
  25. Jan. 21 Link Wheel added to the Poetry page. Links rotate.
  26. Jan. 15 Graphic Previewer j.s. added to History page.
  27. Jan.   9 Word Search script applet link added. Tried to adapt and failed.
    Dec. 19 Loaded 12 modern art canvases and vote form.
  28. Dec. 11 Boggler game link added. Dec. 10 Hunted down interesting backgrounds. Reduced graphics on Index page to decrease load time.
    Dec.  9 Joined GeoCities webring.
    Dec.  8 Rescripted Main page to be more Netscape-friendly. Still best-viewed in MSIE 4+.
    Dec.  5 Banner accepted into GeoCities exchange program.
  29. Nov. 30 Checkers game added.
  30. Nov. 29 Battleship game added.
  31. Nov. 28 Vote form and 12 classical art canvases added.
  32. Nov. 27 Life game added.
  33. Nov. 27 Lines game added.
  34. Nov. 26 Fading Scroll Up text added.
  35. Nov. 25 Always on Top Message adapted and added.
  36. Nov. 22 Watermark fades in and is linkable.
  37. Nov. 19 Redirection page added for graphic preloading.
    Nov. 16 Migrated to separate pages.
    Nov. 15 Posted backgrounds.
  38. Nov. 14 Tip of the Day script customized and added.
  39. Nov. 13 Cursor-trailer script added.
    Nov. 11 Inserted link hover underline style, IE only, goes under Visited.
  40. Nov. 10 Embossed text in DHTML found and added.
  41. Nov.  9 Background color changer script added.
  42. Nov.  8 Random Image applet with 6 linkable gifs installed. Click to reload and change gif.
    Nov.  6 Removed PageBuilder features.



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