view before me is fading
A new sight appears
Where, when, why -
I cannot answer
I am just going to believe
There are no walls
No trees, no animals.
Just colour.
Un-patterned, free
It is not a painting
A set view
It is living
It moves with
Unimaginable grace
Greens darken into blues
Blues into purple
Magenta then red
Red to orange
To yellow and gold
Tarnished, it returns
To green and again
The cycle begins
It is a dance
A performance by
A spectrum complete
And more beautiful
Than any colours that
have been painted onto canvas
It beckons me
And I follow
Like a sheep
Trustworthy and blind
Willing to be led
Toward a greener pasture
Or into the slaughter yard
I am now in a new land
No longer am I bound
To unwritten laws of this dimension
Sound is tangible
Vision not always so
I walk amongst clouds
And look down upon
Flock of birds
Frozen in eternal positions
By unseen forces
Through shoals of fish I now wander
Beside me - a dolphin
Close by my heel
Like a loyal hound
I laugh
And the sound falls
Hitting the water
With crystal notes
And as the diamonds from the sound
Settle on the white sand
They reflect the rays of sunlight
With such intensity
I step backward
Into another place
Where time has no meaning
Windows are all around me
Each showing
Another aspect of all dimensions