The Corrigedor's fighter are surrender

Sound- the last moments of fighting- Sound

The Japaneses have for major goal the conquest of the Philippines and so as early as December 8th 1941 their airplanes make a few raids to destroy the american defenses. December 12th Luzon sees the first japanese soldiers which then make massive landing at Lingayen from December 22nd to 24th. MacArthur is then the commander and has under his order a philippine division and 10 local divisions. With the fast advance of the Japaneses MacArthur has no other choice but to retreat on the Bataan Peninsula leaving Manilla behind and positioning his troops on the fortified island of Corregidor, at the mouth of the Manilla Bay. He hopes for reenforcement soon but those are sent to Australia.

Two army corps are positioned on the peninsula: the first on the West coast is under the orders of Wainwrifht while the other, on the East coast, is under the orders of Parker. For two months the Americans and Philippins will push back the japanese attacks directed by general Homma with his 2 reenforced divisions. April 3rd with troops and planes in reenforcement general Homma launches a big attack that sweeps everything and forces the Americans to capitulate: 54 000 men are made prisonner on April 6th (these men will have to survive the Death Walk towards San Fernando). MacArthur had been obliged to leave the island on March 12th to take refuge in Australia and it is thus Wainwright who was leading the troops and this man take refuge in Corregidor where he will resist for one month with 15 000 men. But on May 6th everything is over: 13 000 more prisonners will Walk to death. The Philippines will have to wait October 1944 before the famous speech of MacArthur (" I will come back") becomes reality and landing occurs at Leyte.

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