At the end of 1942 MacArthur has safeguarded Port Moresby and so he decides to reconquer the North coast of the New-Guinea. He takes two groups of the defense of Port Moresby and send them through the Owen Stanley Mounts toward Buna. When the two groups are near their target an amphibic operation comes along with an airdropping to reenforce the groups and take Buna which falls December 14th. January 2nd of 1943 the last resistance falls.

First MacArthur will guard is back by making three landing from February 29th to March 16th 1944: the 1st Marine division and the 1st Cavalry division take over the Los Negros island and Emirau island to isolate the 8th (defending Rabaul) and 17th (defending Bougainville) japanese armies. After these defeats the japanese commanders who sees a threat to Rabaul (a key base) in these moves, send reenforcements to the 18th army under the orders of general Horii who is defending New-Guinea. February 28th the first group of the 51st division leaves Rabaul aboard 8 cargos escorted by 8 destroyers. On their way the convoy is intercepted by the 5th Air Force of major-general Kenney: the american bombers attack low… after 3 days of fighting (March 3rd) the Bismark Sea Battle is over and the 8 cargos are sunk with their 3600 men and 5 of the 8 destroyers that were escorting.

Before the major attack MacArthur makes a landing at Hollandia and around with the 6th american army, the 7th US fleet under the orders of Kinkaid composed of 4 cruisers (2 of which are Australian) and 8 escort carriers and the 5th Air Force. 84 000 men land at Hollandia: MacArthur tricks the 18th japanese army by faking a landing at Wewak (New-Guinea) and April 22nd the 24th division lands at Tanahmerah Bay without opposition while the 41st lands at Hollandia and at Aitape to take over an airport. The 18th japanese army turns back and rush back through the jungle. In the night of July 11th they strike back at Aitape but the Americans, warned, have reenforced the position with the 11th CA and the 32nd division and so the Japaneses fail.

After Hollandia MacArthur jump from island to island along the North coast of New-Guinea. May 17th the 41st division lands at Wakde at 240km West of Hollandia. May 27th a Hop of 280km send the american troops at Biak. July 2nd the Americans land at Noemfoor island and then at Sansapor (30th) where they are at 1100km of Hollandia: by that tactic they isolate 120 000 soldiers. For all these conquests only 1300 Americans die while 11 600 Japaneses are. When the troops landed at Biak the 1st japanese mobile fleet (with the big battleships Musashi and Yamato) under the orders of counter-admiral Ozawa is sent to meet the american ships but even before being ready to go Ozawa receive another order canceling the attack because the Mariannas are under air attack.

After that MacArthur plans the attack on Lae. To trick the enemy again he makes a fake attack with the 3rd australian division on the target Salamaoua and the 18th japanese army once again is led out. September 4th the 9th australian division transported by the 7th amphibic force lands on the North bank of the Huon Gulfe (at 50km of Salamaoua) and forwards toward Lae. General Horii reacts and send all is troops defending Salamaoua to attack the 9th division. September 5th the 503rd american Paratrooper regiment lands at 20km West of Lae and with only 11 death takes Nazdab and with the help of australian sappers that came through the jungle with a 6 days walk they make a runway. With this runway the next morning the 7th australian division is able to come in reenforcement from Port Moresby. The 18th japanese army is surrounded by the 9th and 7th australian divisions and so it retreats in the Markham Valley while losing 2200 men and the city of Lae which will be taken September 16th. To eliminate any risk of resistance major-general Vasey send some Douglas C-47 Dakota over the valley while a group of the 9th australian division lands at Finschafen (140km North-West of Lae) to drive back in the forest the Japaneses where without ammunitions and food they will die of famine or sickness.

With the victory at Bougainville by Halsey the Americans are all around Rabaul by December and the harbor is under constant bombing by the Airsol and the 5th Air Force. The 90 000 soldiers stationed at Rabaul are isolated.

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