Hoag's Page:Aviation,ADA,Info,Humor,Links and MUCH more




Welcome to Hoag's Page!!

(Yes, even I have one. Scary thought, isn't it?)

I am trying to gather my thoughts and provide a quality page. I'm slowly but surely getting there!!! Let me know..

Check out Boston's MBTA Subway Map. How can you not use this map if visiting Bean Town?

The MBTA Commuter Train is next.

Still gathering backgrounds for some pages. Be patient, damnit!! This takes a bit of time....

Some of Hoag's Thoughts and Opinions 

Before I start my ramblings, let it be known that this page is dedicated to all veterans.....Regardless of service... Except Jarheads, Squids and Zoomies!!!! Only kidding!!

For the aviators, there is some enlightening material to peruse. Check out my Aviation Section....

For the non-aviation types, there are numerous areas to check out.

Ok...Opinion time....




A few, ok, a lot of Aviation/ADA pics