Joshua Jonathan Anker's Web Page
small pic of my head

Welcome to Josh's Web Page!

Allright, you've found the page on the web I'm almost embarrsed to call home!

Well, I suppose you're here because you want to know a little bit more about me. You've come to the right place, as long as you don't expect a whole lot, right off the bat! There won't be much on this page to start with, but hopefully it'll keep getting better. I'll try and add to it every couple days. or maybe weeks. On second thought, where'd you get this address from anyways? Go away, my page isn't done yet! :-)

Josh and Family
For starters, I'm a 23 year old guy, who is living in San Diego, California, while I wait to get out of the Navy. One I'm out, I plan to go home to Ohio to work and attend college. Just spending some time with my family will be nice, since I haven't seen them in quite a long time, thanks to my 5 years in the Navy. I'm not sure where I'll work once I get home, or how long I'll do that before I go to college, but I'm going to take those decisions as they come. I've already been accepted into Cleveland State University. As soon as I get home, I'm buying a dog! I'm thinking golder retriever, but I'm open to persuasion.

In October '99, I bought a brand new 2000 Saturn SL2... In December '99, I crashed my brand new 2000 Saturn SL2. OUCH! I smashed it up good. Want some details?

On August 19, 2002, I bought my near-dream car! A Dodge Stealth! I'lll eventually have a seperate page with links, but for now, here's a pic of the car I had. His name was Silver.

You probably found this page through AOL, where I have two screen names. One is ImInTheUSN, and the other is AnkerDust. The first one is pretty obvious, unless you try and sound it out. "ihm-in-thee-ussin" doesn't make quite as much sense as "I'm In The USN." Yes, I've had people try and read it before :-)

You can read my profiles there, if you haven't already, by checking out my too-cool AOL profile page.

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Music I live for and love Car PagePictures of me!Icky! it's an AOL page

Hey Michelle, here is your page.