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Welcome to the NEW Forgotten Battles of WW2 website
Version 3.0

Forgotten Battles has taken on a whole new look. I hope the new organization will help people navigate a little better. Updating all my pages to the new standard will take a little while, but when they are all finished, you will start seeing new articles here.

Read the review of this website from the Australian Army Newspaper

If you have never visited this site before, you should know that it is not intended as an overall review of the events of the Second World War. Quite the opposite, it is meant as a site for those who want to know about the aspects of WW2 that don't always make the history books. If it's general WW2 history you're looking for, please see the World War 2 Website Association, linked to below.

Please make your selections from the bar at left, or click below to visit any of the organizations this website is associated with.

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est. August 1998

This World War II Web Ring site is owned by
Bill Harris.

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Bill Harris.

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