Thanks to Yahoo closing Geocities, the server that carries this site, I will be forced to close this collection of sites that has received an 11,000 average monthly page views at the end of the year. I would consider help with moving this site if anyone would be interested you could e-mail me at the link below, but I simply don't have the time any more to put into moving this site and getting it running again by myself.

The purpose of this site is to provide a page that links the Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid into one. One must first know that the books were not all written at the same time or by the same people, but were written to go along with one another for a continuing story line. However in an effort to prevent e-mails that argue this point I will refer to them (meaning the Iliad and Odyssey) as being Homer's work (except for the Aeneid which was written by Virgil). So, without further delay here are the links to the seperate pages, simply click on one of the four images below to navigate the site. I tried to put as much information as space and time would allow, but there is always more. If you have any further questions, or would simply like to discuss something feel free to use the e-mail links provided at the bottom of each page.

Click here to read the Iliad, the Odyssey, or the Aeneid On-Line

Place for everything historical


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"There is no god, there is but life and death."