Jaime's Story

A Son's Tribute To His Father

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God Is Good


A True Story of Friendship and Faith


C. Douglas Sterner


I never really had the chance to meet my father. I was only 18 months old when he was killed in Vietnam. Throughout my life I often wondered about him, what kind of man he was, how he lived and died. I didn't know that for 25 years my father's closest friend had been looking for me, anticipating my questions, anxious to share the answers with me. Publication of the above photo on the cover of the 1997 1st Cavalry Division calendar set in motion a chain of events that finally brought Doug Sterner and I together. When we talked for the first time on January 20, 1998 one of my first statements was, "Tell me about my father." That night he faxed me the pages of a small booklet he wrote in 1973 shortly after my father was killed in action, a booklet he had never published but had kept along with my father's letters to him throughout the years. This booklet told me more about my father than I could have hoped for. I am happy to share it with you here in honor of the hero I never really met, my father, Jaime Pacheco.

Michael Pacheco


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