Danny has been adopted! We look forward to hearing from his new guardians!

This is what I looked like after being neglected and living outside all my life. It's a good thing I had all this hair to keep me warm. When life handed me lemons I made lemonade. To show my joy at being alive I DANCED! I love to DANCE! I will dance for YOU!

This is me after being "groomed". Aren't I a handsome fellow? Now when I stand on my hind legs and dance everyone watches me and claps! Maybe this grooming thing isn't so bad!

They tell me I am a friendly fellow. I think I'm about one or two years old. I like it here because there are other dogs to play with and lots of attention. This attention is a wonderful thing. I did NOT know what I was missing! Since I only weigh 6 pounds I get carried around a lot. Being carried and cuddled is sooo wonderful.

I'm a little camera shy but when you see me in person I will dance for you. They don't call me Disco Danny for nothing.

If you would like to adopt Disco Danny please fill out the Adoption Application.

Lawrence County Humane Society, Ironton, Ohio