English Pleasure Show~A Circuit

General Info. On All English Shows

Because English shows are usually huge 
due to the number of horses entered, we 
have divided the shows up into three 
sections with a different person running 
each section. This means that there is a 
different page for each circuit/section. 

Training Circuit 
Run by Erin

B Circuit 
Run by Prancing Star 

A Circuit 
Run by MegaBucks 

There are 3 circuits, as you can see above, for showing: the "Schooling" Circuit, the "A" Circuit, and the "B" Circuit. Each circuit is divided into two levels, and they are as follows:

Schooling Training (for young horses not shown Circuit much & usually 4-5 yr.) & Beginner B Circuit Novice & Preliminary A Circuit Intermediate & Advanced If you do not specify which level your horse is entered in, then your horse will be automatically entered in intermediate level classes! It costs $40 per horse to enter, regardless of how many classes you enter your horse(s) in. Points To move up a level, it takes 200 points. For example, take a look at the points below: From Training to Beginner Requires 200 pts. From Beginner to Novice Requires 200 more pts. (total of 400 if horse started out at Training) From Novice to Preliminary Requires 200 more pts. (total of 600 if horse started out at Training) From Preliminary to Intermediate Requires 200 more pts. (total of 800 if horse started out at Training) From Intermediate to Advanced Requires final 200 pts. (total of 1,000 if horse started out at Training) Once your horse has reached Advanced level, there is no higher classes for the horse to be in, but becoming a Black Brier English Champion (BBEC) is possible by earning 70 or more Advanced points. 1st: 15 pts. $3000 2nd: 10 pts. $2500 3rd: 5 pts. $2000 4th: 3 pts. $1500 5th: 1 pt. $1000 6th: 0 pt. $700 7th: 0 pt. $500 A Circuit Info. Welcome to MeagBucks' English Shows! There will be an English show when ever enough horses are entered, and they will be held every other Friday, or whenever I have a chance to do them. When you EMAIL me the info below your horses will automatically be entered in the next available show. Checks should be made out to MegaBucks(EEYOREpocy@yahoo.com). And just as a reminder, it costs $40 per horse to enter, regardless of how many classes you enter your horse(s) in. To enter, EMAIL me the info below. Please make sure that it's in THE PROPER FORM!!!  If it's not then the entries will be DELETED and NO money will be returned.  Thanks! Horses may only be entered in one show at a time! It is too confusing and hard for me when you enter them in more than one show. Thanks! Email subject: English A Circuit Entries Owner's Name: Owner's Email: Class #1: Horse Horse Horse etc. Class #2: Horse Horse Horse etc. Total: $ Class List * Warmup Working Hunter Inter. Hunter O'F Inter. Hunter U'S Inter. Equitation O'F Inter. Equitation U'S ± Inter. Jumper Advanced Hunter O'F Advanced Hunter U'S Advanced Equitation O'F Advanced Equitation U'S ± Advanced Jumper ** Gambler's Choice ~Gaited ***In Hand Classes Intermediate In Hand Advanced In Hand **** Dressage Suitibility Class Descriptions

* Any horse may enter Warmup Working Hunter,

regardless the level as long as the horse is in the same circuit as the class. (IE: No A circuit horses can enter the Training Circuit Warmup Working Hunter) ** Any horse may enter Gambler's Choice, regardless the level as long as the horse is in the same circuit as the class. (IE: No A circuit horses can enter the Training Circuit Gambler's Choice) Gambler's Choice is a jumping class. Lots of jumps are set up in various heights and difficulties, and the rider is allowed to choose their course. The harder jumps are worth more points, and the rider/horse with the most points at the end wins. *** In-Hand is the same as Halter **** Dressage Suitability is an in-hand class where the judges look for the dressage potential in the horse's movement and gaits. ± Qualify only for jumper/hunter disciplined horses ~Gaited Classes are for gaited horses, since there aren't many in this high level there is only one class for all gaited breeds. (place your cursor on Frosty to see the caption) We hope you've enjoyed your stay and will visit us again soon!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! *This page was last updated: Wednesday, November 29, 2000* *This page and all graphics are (C) 2000 by MegaBucks*