Infinity Ever Starr

Lawful Good

Female Elf



Lawful Good

Infinity is a serious young lady. After fallen into a bad decision that left her being used by an abusive boyfriend at the age of 17, she decided that she wanted to do something to protect others from her experience.

Her boyfriend had no problem using her for his own amusement. There was one time that he had been drinking to much at the tavern and decided to see how much he could make her do by using a hot twig out of the fire. She has a few scars on her arms from this. When she decided she had enough and was able to be by herself she left her village and found someone to point her in the right direction to help protect people.

After a few inquiries, she had finally found an older man that was able to take her under his wing and teach her how to protect herself and her loved ones. After having passed all the test that he had for her, he told her there was nothing else he could teach her and she was on her own.

Infinity left him and started traveling by herself. She found a few odd jobs here and there that helped her get by. One of these jobs was escorting a young lady to another village to meet with her arranged husband. On their way there they had ran into a group of kobolds. During the encounter Infinity made sure that the young lady stayed within her sight and also away from the kobolds. Infinity was able to get them out without a scratch on them or having to injure anyone. After the job was done she was offered another job escorting the King around for awhile, until her traveling bug got to her again.

So she left this position and started out looking for trouble and people that really needed her help. Now she is out wandering the country side looking for anyone that could use her help.


Where did they say to go when I reached this town? ran though the head of a young eleven female. Her brown hair is hanging loosely down to the middle of her back. Ahh that's what it was the Festering Wound. her green eyes started to scan the buildings around her as it clicked into place.

When she found the inn, she double checked to make sure everything was somewhat neat. She had been traveling for quite awhile before she had reached the town. Taking her hand, she dusted off her brown shirt and pants. When this was through she made her way into the tavern.

Taking everything in she decides that right now her best place would be to see if she can find a place at the bar, and order something for her empty stomach. She had just realized she had skipped lunch in her hurry to get there to meet Lord Gaunt.

After receiving her drink, Inifinity decides to wander around the tavern. There has to be something here to do.

As she starts walking away from the bar, her legs seem to carry her to the noisiest part of the tavern. When they stop moving, she finds herself at the dart boards. She watches a few of the male patrons as they banter about the game.

She’s not really interested at first, but when the smallest of the gentleman takes his turn, her interest peaked just a bit. She hadn’t seen someone so small play darts before. She was quite interested to see how he would do.

When Inifinity hears the woman at the door call everyone’s attention, she turns to see what is going on. She knew that she was sent here on a quest but what kind she wasn’t sure of. This female maybe able to give her an insight to what it was.

Hearing that this has to deal with what she came for, she moves closer. She finds a table and sits down, paying attention to what the group has to say.

The requirements don’t seem that hard, the not killing maybe. I guess what ever group I get in will just have to work with each other and make sure we don’t fudge things up.

Infinity gets in line with everyone else. When it is her turn up front she signs her name and accepts her clue, wondering if it will help or not.