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Susan's parents (Oma and Granddaddy) Susans Eltern (Oma und Granddaddy)
Norbert's Dad "Daddy Norbert" (or better by now "Opa Norbert") Norberts Vater "Daddy Norbert" (oder rmittlerweile "Opa Norbert")
Susan's sister Diane and her husband Craig Susans Schwester Diane und ihr Ehemann Craig
Susan's brother Jeff and his wife Lynda with Moose and Buddy Susans Bruder Jeff mit Ehefrau Lynda und den Hunden Moose und Buddy
Norbert's brother Michael enjoying his hobby. Michael lives near Munich, Germany. Norbert's Bruder Michael bei seinem Hobby. Michael wohnt in der Naehe von Muenchen.