The Greatest Love Of All


You Have Just Arrived In
"The Childhood Place!"

One hundred years from now ...
It will not matter what your bank account was,
The sort of house you lived in,
Or the kind of car you drove ...
But the world may be a better place because
YOU were important in the life of a CHILD!

This verse is one of my favorites and has always been an inspiration to me.  I wish every parent in the world could realize how much truth there is in it.

I have had many blessings bestowed on me throughout my lifetime.  The greatest and most special gifts that I've received though, is  children and . I thank God every day for entrusting me to protect and love them and for allowing me the privilege of nurturing, guiding, and watching over these very precious gifts. these are my nephews and nessess...


I would like to mention here in my Childhood Place, the horrific crime of child abuse.  My heart cries when I think about the millions of children around the world that are helpless victims of abuse and neglect.  The only reason I mention it is because I believe that a greater public awareness about child abuse and the willingness to become involved would make a difference ... in some child's life.

Child abuse has been proven to be one of the leading causes of childhood deaths in this nation? According to recent studies every 4 seconds a child is abused and every 7 minutes a child's life is lost.

80% of child abuse cases reported to Child Protective Services were related to parents smoking "Crack Cocaine."  Cocaine is an extremely addicting drug.  Money, career, food and family become secondary for the heavy user.

As you read these words, I hope you will take a moment and say a little prayer for the many innocent souls who suffer at the hands of an abuser and the ones who will lose their lives because of it.  We should pray that they will be placed in a safer environment where they will be loved and cared for properly.

I have included a few heart-wrenching poems here as a remembrance of all the children who have been abused or have died from abuse.  My wish is that they will be read by even one parent who realizes that they need to stop beating and yelling and will listen and love instead.  If it helps even "one" parent, then I know that this web page will not have been made in vain.

Children Are Worth Saving


As you can tell from my other pages, I love poems and music, so I've included some of my favorite ones here.  You will also find a couple of heart warming and inspirational stories.

Some of the authors are unknown but if you know the correct source of items listed, I will appreciate hearing from you so corrections can be made and proper credit given.

Click on the one you would like to see.

Children Learn What They Live

A Touch Of Love

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking

Little Shoes

What House Do You Live In?

All The Time In The World

Little Eyes

Legacy Of An Adopted Child

The Sandpiper

The Golden Gift

A Prayer For Children

Reflections Of A Mother

Thank you so very much for visiting
The Childhood Place!

I hope you'll always remember that
"It's Much Better to Build Children
Than it is to Repair Men!"

©1999 By Abdul Sami (SAM).

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