Pets up for Syber-Adoption
for the period of 1/1/04 - 3/1/04:
Picture taken at
The Morristown-Hamblen Humane Society
in Tennessee.
Name: "Loree & Moore"
Species: Canine
Sex: Females.
Physical description: 8 weeks old. Very sweet and pretty fur-friends. They really need a swell home tho.
History: Simply "dropped off" at the shelter. They are labeled "give ups".
Complete the Syber-Adoption Steps:
1) Upload this "thumbnail image"
of the animal you are syber-adopting to your webpage server.
Upload the WWSS logo
to your webpage server. Link the image to the WWSS homepageso others may adopt.
You may use the convenient code below:
I adopted my pet from WWSS
Simply "Copy & Paste" the above code into your document.
It should look like this:
I adopted my pet from WWSS
2) Complete the submission form below.
3) Notify us when the above steps are complete. We will then add your name and a link to your webpage to the Adoption History Page.
Thank you so much for caring :-)
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