Needs IMMEDIATE Attention!
The following messages were sent to WWSS.
Please spread the word and help anyway you can
I need to find a home for a wonderful dog and I don't have much time to do it.
She's a stray who came to my home almost 2 yrs ago. I've been told that she's part elk-hound, part chow, I don't know breeds so I'm not sure. She's reddish color with black, medium-sized. I had her spayed already and am now desperate to find a home for her. She's an excellent watchdog. I named her "7up" because she came here and had 7 pups in my back yard . . . to my surprise!!
The reason I have to find a home for "7up" soon is that I already own a "dominant" female who won't leave her alone and picks fights with her, even though "7up" never wants to fight. She will try so hard not to fight, but my dog won't stop picking the fights. She's a playful dog and gets along very well with 2 other female dogs here but my dominant female, unfortunately, won't accept her.
Please help if you can. I live in Virginia (on the Ky/Va line), I'm close to Ky, WV, and TN lines, and very willing to take her to her new loving home if necessary. I'd love to give "7up" and her pup, "Smoky" together since they play all the
time, but I realize that giving away 2 dogs to the same family may be impossible. Please see the picture above (wrinkles is no longer with me . . . a trespassing hunter shot her last year).
Thank you for your time,
Submitted: March 11, 1999
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