Long Acres History
Many times the question is asked "How did you get started in pygmy goats?" Some 15+ years ago, we raised quarter horses and had a couple of dairy goats. The "Old Goat" (God bless him, my husband) said he wanted a little goat that would stay small, like a pygmy. Our search began, and after being put on a waiting list (4-H project pygmy goat), the day arrived when we were blessed with Dee's Acres Sophie. Thus began our love affair with the pygmies.
We started showing, and finally placing, and then came our herd's beginning: Bellyacres Nathan. Nathan was never a show buck, but he went on to produce many champions for us.
We have seen many changes in the pygmy goat world, and we have met loads of wonderful people over the years. We still show our pygmies and enjoy our goats. Our emphasis is breeding for long life, ease of kidding, and friendly goats.
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