Do you own a Purebred Hunting Dog? Do you have a webpage about them?
Then sign up for the HUNTING DOG RING.
Here are a few rules that we must ask you to follow.
If your pages do not follow these rules, please do not bother going any further. Failure to follow these rules will force us to remove you from the Hunting Dog Ring.
Steps to Joining the Hunting Dog Ring
Please follow these closely to preserve the integrity of the ring!
First thing to do is add your page to the queue
When you add your page to the queue, an email is sent that contains the HTML fragment you need on your page. Please remember to SAVE "huntdog.gif" to your server. After you get it on your page (SHOULD BE THE PAGE YOU SUBMITTED FOR YOUR URL), it should look like this:
This Hunting Dog Ring site is owned by YOUR_NAME. Want to join the Hunting Dog Ring? Get the info. Entire List | Next Page | Previous | Next 5 | Random |
You can put your dogs photo here if you wish | This Hunting Dog Ring site is owned by YOUR_NAME. Want to join the Hunting Dog Ring? Get the info. Entire List | Next Page | Previous | Next 5 | Random |
If you choose to put in your dogs photo be sure to link it to this
Hunting Dog Ring info page.
This Hunting Dog Ring site is owned by YOUR_NAME. Want to join the Hunting Dog Ring? Get the info. Entire List | Next Page | Previous | Next 5 | Random |
You will need to copy and paste one of the links above onto your page!
(Scroll down for a copy of the html fragment.)
(1) Put your ID number where it says YOURIDHERE
(2) Put your name or your kennel name where it says YOUR NAME
(3) Put your email address where it says YOUR ADDRESS@HERE
After your page has the HTML added and is ready to be in the ring, send email to Heidi and she will check your page to see that it meets the basic requirements, and add you to the Hunting Dog Ring!! Please don't email asking her to add you to the Ring until the fragment is on your page.
Please note! Important Message! You must add the Hunting Dog Ring fragment to your page and email HEIDI within 14 days. After 14 days your page will automatically be deleted from the queue and you will need to re-register if you still want to join the ring. You will NOT get an email when your site is removed automatically, but you're still welcome to join. You just need to sign up again. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask!
That's it! After your page is activated you should be able to navigate the entire ring until to make it back to your own page.
<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="6" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="70%" BGCOLOR="Silver"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="73%" COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1"><B>This <A HREF="">Hunting Dog Ring </A> site is <BR>owned by <A HREF="mailto:YOUR EMAIL@HERE">YOUR NAME HERE</A>. <BR>Want to join theHunting Dog Ring? Get the <B> <A HREF="">info<BR><BR></A></B><A HREF=";list">Entire List</A> | <A HREF=";id=YOUR ID HERE;next" target="_top">Next Page</A> | <A HREF=";id=YOUR ID HERE;prev" target="_top">Previous</A> | <A HREF=";id=YOUR ID HERE;next5" target="_top">Next 5</A> | <A HREF=";random" target="_top">Random</A></B><A HREF=";random" target="_top"></A></TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="27%" COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1"><A HREF=""><IMG BORDER="2" SRC="huntdog.gif" ALT="CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE HUNTING DOG RING" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="112"></A></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER><P ALIGN="CENTER">
<!--The Hunting Dog HTML Fragment Ends HERE--->
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