We're Back!!!
We are back but we are MUCH smaller so its easier to keep up!!! Sorry we keep closing and opening, before it was just hard because I came back from vacation and my mail box was FILLED w/ appointmentz and I just couldn't keep track of that, so we will try and stay up now!!!

Lab testers at the babyz clinic have tested many medicines and techniques to cure babyz faster. While in the prossess they discovered that you NEED to feed your babyz while they are sick!!! Not feeding them gets them sick in the 1st place. If you don't feed them while they are sick they will get sicker and sicker and also act like they are being abused, which they are when they are not getting feed. This could help all you parentz with sick babyz :O)
They also discovered that when babyz have very high temperatures, you should NOT  dress them in socks, jumpers, and hats, but just a hat and an onsie, and maybe some socks. If they are dressed to warmly they may become hotter and very unconforable which could make them not fall asleep or become sicker.

This information is (c)2000 to the Babyz Clinic and may not be copied in any form, you may only link to our site to tell people who view your site but not post it on your own site. We will be on the look out and any one who copys can be put in the Kimz Kidz Hall oif Sham. Our lab workers have worked VERY hard to get this info :O)

Sickness Alertz!!!- Many babyz have been comming down with the flue this winter. Flu shotz will be given out soon. When babyz have the flu make sure your other babyz go to Grandma's for a visit to protect them!!! Clean bedroom w/ towel before babyz come back to keep germs away.

Prevent Sickness-
When out side keep babyz in warm clothez, sockz, sweater, long pants, and hat. Also give babyz plenty of orange juice!!! Dowload at babyz.net.

Schedual and Appointment



Check Upz

Babyz Sicknesses

Hospital Information

Young Babyz

Problems with Babyz
