
For all who are wondering what this auction & fund raising is all about -
well, I'll tell you!

Imagine this nightmare, if you will.......you live in a neighborhood populated by criminals...this is what you can afford, it is not a voluntary choice, it is the law of economics.

You are forced to leave your former rented dwelling as the landlord is derelict in maintaining the property safely for you and your little daughter.

You move into another house, and this is where the laws of chance take over...the things one cannot control. This new home has been formerly inhabited by known criminals. The house is a pig sty. You move your beloved pets into the house and safely place your little girl in the safekeeping of her grandmother, until you can ready the home for her. So that she may not have to live in the filthy new dwelling, but will be able to move in to a clean and orderly home. You run yourself ragged, juggling responsibilities and working frantically to clean up your home.

You take in a rescue dog, pregnant, unwanted by her former owners, because you are that sort of person. Somebody breaks in and allows your dogs to escape. Now you must run all over the neighborhood collecting your dogs before they are lost or dead or...picked up by animal control, which has a taste for killing your breed.

Somebody who breaks in, allows certain dogs to have access to certain other dogs...some dog gets bitten, ...and somebody else calls the ANIMAL NAZIS! and you are arrested, your dogs taken from you and sent to the shelter to be held until...until what? And you are forced to pay for their boarding at this killing shelter.

Unbelievably somebody turns you into the SPCA for cruelty to animals, and you are arrested, and charged....and all you wanted to do was make a clean and safe place for yourself, your little girl and your beloved dogs, as well as taking in the unwanted dog. Charged with CRUELTY TO ANIMALS!!

You now have to get on with your life, right? Facing a trial. Victim! You will have to have a lawyer, you will, if you are fortunate, be able to afford to bail your dogs and save their lives.

Meanwhile, life goes on, and you still must provide for your child and get this house cleaned and ready to bring her into it. Only one thing can enable you to do this, which is MONEY. You are supplying the work and the pure tough heart it takes to do this, in the face of adversity no one could have foreseen.......................


We are a small few (of many) who are trying to help K. Lynne out of a distressing situation. A situation that evolved from a series of unfortunate circumstances.

The auction is the brainchild of Bonnie Yoho, whom a lot of you know, and a dear friend of K. Lynne, Tammy Volovnik (Razi). And with the help of Chickee, who put this site together and of course, Hermine, a bottomless source of typographical errors, and creative, yet completely stupid ideas, we have come together to help. "We take care of our own", I have heard this often...This is one of those times to really show it.

We have all been on a few lists with K. Lynne (Laila) for many months now. She has always been an advocate for responsible ownership/breeding and has always been helpful and polite with others on the lists. She is the kind of person who helps with rescue and will always take a dog back that she bred and spends a lot of money in the process of training and neutering the dog. Now she is in trouble and needs our help and support to get her through a very trying time. Also, if you missed her post or if you are not familar with K. Lynne, please take the time to read this.

All funds collected will go towards providing help with legal expenses and boarding expenses.

So lets all come together and help out.

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February 4, 1999 -

L&I closed up K.Lynne's new house. It seems they received an inquiry from the SPCA, and on their advice, boarded it up. A lot of her personal belongings were in this house, and she has no idea if her things are still there or if they confiscated them.


Friday, the 5th, she was finally able to track down the people that gave her the house, and she now has deed in hand! Updates will be posted as I, (chickee) receive them.

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February 3, 1999 -

Word in from K.Lynne that the SPCA in Philly put her dogs down a day or two after they were seized illegally without a search warrant. They had no court order to euthanize the dogs. K.Lynne's (Laila) case is to come up sometime this month. They also put down the beauceron. They are now offering to disavow the charges!

The SPCA had no grounds to put the dogs down, so at this time, a lawyer is being looked into to sue this Humane Society of wrong doing to these poor animals. As mentioned above, they were willing to drop the charges, but K.Lynne is taking it all the way to court and possibly notify the press.

It's a sad thing to say, but now, since the illegal euthanization of her beloved dogs, she has a much better chance of winning in court. K.Lynne and all of us who have taken a special interest in this case, are still confident for a chance to win with the help of this auction and all the caring people that have donated items and the great people who are bidding! At this time any donations being made can be used for the court case in suing them. Once she has consulted with her lawyer, she will let all of us know the details.

K.Lynne is totally devastated at this time, so please, all of you, if you will, take a moment to say a silent prayer for her beautiful dogs, for K.Lynne, and for justice. It will be a rough road ahead, but we are all determined to win this fight together!

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