For an entrance in the qualifier it is enough, being on a
field, to which it is adhered, to press any key, which is possible to enter
in a field (any alphanumeric). Thus the list of items of the whole qualifier
will open.
If the cursor to put on the necessary item and to press on Enter - in a field
meaning, appropriate to the given item, will be at once entered.
But it is usual qualifiers have a very plenty of items, and the hand-operated
moving by the cursor up to the necessary item becomes deprived of sense. For
simplification of using by the qualifier the given function has mechanisms fast
order and search. Both that and other mode join simultaneously.
To use these properties of function of the qualifier, it is enough to press one
key in that moment, when the list of the qualifier is on the screen.
If this key will be a key of one of initial symbols of a field of a code
of the given qualifier, on the screen there will be the window for input of the
whole code and in it already there will be the entered symbol. For the
given case it is not certain to enter into it window the whole code wholly: it
is enough to enter any number of initial symbols. After pressing on Enter
search of the necessary code in the qualifier will be carried out. If to the
appropriate amount of entered symbols there will not correspond
a specific code, a code, nearest on meaning, will be
found. Simultaneously with it a mode order of records of the qualifier
on increase of a code will join which will help easily to find out the
necessary record.
If the first pressed key will be any other key, it will mean that the user
tries to find anything not in code, and in a textual field of the qualifier.
All actions of the program will be same, but only inverted to
meanings of a textual field of a qualifier.
For editing the information in the qualifier it is necessary to
press a combination of keys Ctrl-Tab or Alt-Tab depending on what field - field
of a code or textual field accordingly require editing.
To be edited there will be the data of that record of the qualifier, on which
there is the cursor. REMARK: As the combination of keys Alt-Tab
is used in Windows for the internal needs (switching between tasks),
that the given team has earned by use Windows, it is necessary to you to cancel
this combination of keys on time of fulfilment of the program, by
removing the appropriate checkbox from properties Windows 's shortcut of the program.
For removal of record from the qualifier it is necessary
to press a combination of keys Ctrl-Y and to confirm desire of
For addition of record in the qualifier it is necessary to put the
cursor on the last record and to press a key "Down Arrow".