9.1 Inside Calculator

               For a call of the Inside calculator - in the program it is necessary to press a combination of keys Shif-F1.
               For work in the calculator it is possible to use keys 0-9 + - * / = C and key Enter.
               Using a key of moving of the cursor during its work the calculator can be moved on any convenient place of the screen.
               If in the program a mode "Carry" (it is turning on and off by the Main Menu ' s item "Main menu -> Options > Carryage" ) is on, entrance in the calculator on its indicator number from a field of a database is automatically loaded, on which there was the cursor, and becomes ready to further calculations.
               After end of calculations on the inside calculator and exit from it the result of the last calculations can be entered into any numerical or character field of a database. For this purpose, being on the necessary field, it is enough to press a key " * " , and the result of calculations will be automatically brought in a field.

9.2 Inside Notebook

               In the program is available the elementary variant of a notebook for record small operative information. It has not any built - in functions and is intended only for record and viewing of the earlier entered text. This function can be used, for example, instead of record any notes on pages of a paper.
               For a call a notebook are necessary for pressing a combination of keys Shift-F2. For an exit from a notebook are necessary for pressing a combination of keys Ctrl-W or ESC (ESC - only if not was records of the new text or if you don't wont to save inputted information).

9.3 Inside Dialogues by a network

               the UNIDAt program allows to send to other user of the same program, being in networks, message, not leaving from the program. Thus if in the current moment at other user the program is started, the message will at once arise at him on the screen. If at him the program is not started - he will receive the message as soon as will start your program UNIDAT.
               For departure of the message it is necessary to press a combination of keys Ctrl-F2 and in the dropping out menu of the users of a network to choose the necessary addressee. Then to type in appeared window the text of the message and to press a combination of keys Ctrl-W. The message will be transferred to the addressee.

9.4 Inside Informations of the current program updates (Shift-F3)

               And in the finish - key most useful in some cases. At pressing on a combination of keys Shift-F3 (or by choosing the appropriate item in the Main Menu) you receive on the screen the complete list of all completions and changes in your version of your UNIDAT program in the chronological order, that will allow you always to be in a rate of all last changes and new opportunities of the program, especially after the next updating of it's version.