The files of a database, with which program works, can be in any
directory on any computer of a local network.
If in a network a few working places of the operators of the UNIDAT program are
available, each of them can open for filling and fulfilment of all
possible actions as the databases, and databases, being on computers
at other operators. And with one file data or receiving any information can
simultaneously work a few person, in common entering in it.
It is possible also to have common for all users files of database on
a server, with which all users will simultaneously work.
For work with files of database, being in a network, it is necessary
to choose item of the Main Menu "Main Menu -> Files -> Network". After it
in the revealing menu of the users to choose the necessary user (necessary
computer or server) and to press Enter key. Then to move on the menu "Files"
from the Main Menu on item "Open" and to carry out it, as at opening a
usual database. Thus instead of files of your computer in the list there will
be the files from a working directory of that computer, which was chosen, or
files of the appropriate directory of a server.
The setup of addresses of the appropriate directories is very
simple. To keep in the program of address all using files of computers
necessary a database of a network, it is necessary to create the list of the
users (or servers) directly from that menu of the users, which "Main menu ->
files -> Network" in the same way and same keys drops out at a choice of
item of the Main Menu, as editing records of a usual database is made. Then,
putting the cursor on the necessary user, to press a key F5 (in this mode
it is "Editing of address") will refer to as . In appearing window it is
necessary to enter network address of that directory in a network, in which
there are the files with working databases for the given user or server.
This address should have the following format:
\\computername\dir1\dir2\ ...\dirn\
(with the "\" on the end)
where :     computername         - network name of the computer,
                 \dir1\dir2\ ...\dirn     - path to a necessary directory.