The Jack Russell is a 'big dog in a little body'. A JRT can be quite a handful. Intelligent and stubborn, they can be difficult to train. But, once you get yourself a 'terror terrier' you will never look back! Shannon is exploring the world of competitive obedience. Her first foray has resulted in her new name - Shannon, CGC - the initials stand for Canine Good Citizen. This is a test given by the AKC to judge a dogs basic good manners. This is Shannon at 9 weeks and her cousin, Bear, the Siberian Husky. This is Shannon when she wakes up in the morning. In MY bed of course! In Summer 2000, Shannon and I went to Camp Gone the the Dogs! We had a great time and hope to return next year. Try out the link to see some photos of Shannon, and some friends, at camp. If you want to find out more about JRTs, check out the following sites:
An exciting new training method is Clicker Training. This training method uses positive reinforcement with a clicker as a marker signal to tell the dog what she has done to merit a reward. Clicker training rewards the dog for what she does right rather than punishing what she does wrong and results in a pet who will train happily. A few links are listed here: