Rain or shine, life is good!  Jesus loves you and I do too!!  Thanks for coming to my webpage!

Pokey Lil' Pup's Journal

Day 1 - July 11

Today is Sunday, July 11th, and I am starting a big new adventure. A man and a woman came and adopted me today and took me to a new home. Their names are Mary and Ron. They put me in a cage of my very own...wow, I couldn't believe it..my own food and water bowl, and two TOYs!! I have never had a toy. They gave me a teddy bear and a rubber pacifier. All this probably sounds like heaven, right?? Well it really is, but I am sooooo lonely for my brothers & sisters. My new parents are very nice, but this is a hard adjustment for me. I'm sure I will get adjusted soon.

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Day 2 - July 12

Last nite was pretty good coz my mom put my cage RIGHT by her side of the bed, and if I got sad and cried...she just patted my head and I went back to sleep. Today is hard because I had to be alone all day, and made LOTS of messes in my cage. Mom took a ton of pictures of me yesterday and she took um to the hour photo place and got them back today...they are so cute that she decided to help me make this webpage. I don't mean to brag, but mom and dad said they were cute. *LOL*

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Day 3 - July 13

I am getting a little used to being carried here and there and here and there...my folks DON'T want me to wander around because I LOVE to sniff (HOUND ya know!!), and I also squat just whereever I want and they are always grabbing me up and taking me somewhere else. I'm totally confused!!!

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Day 4 - July 14

Today mom is really cranky coz I have been keeping her awake. Dad is cranky too, coz he works from home and is in and out, and if I see him I HOWL and WAIL and SCREAM and BARK to have him sit down beside me. I'm feel so alone and I only feel good when he is near. He is so sweet to sit by me or hold me, but he's kinda irritated about it too, and mom is just plain tired from trying to take me out of the cage at nite to go potty. I'm sorry I'm such a pain!

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Day 5 - July 15

Today was another hard one coz mom had ballet tonight and wasn't home till late and dad was busy, so I just howled wailed but tried to make the best of it. Mom got up at 4 o clock this morning just to play with me though. I really liked that and she did too!!

Day 6 - July 16

Today has been the best day yet! It is Friday, and mom & dad have both been home this evening and we have played and played. We have chased around, and played with my toys. Also Goober came over to spend the night. He is my nephew, but he's old and doesn't want to play, so I just leave him alone. He is my human sister, Katie's pet. He is some kind of Lhasa Apso terrier pound puppy mix. We went outside and ran around alot, so now I'm good and tired and about to go to sleep in mom's lap here at the computer. Also today mom decided what to really name me. She combined her and dad's middle names and made Margaret Layne, and will call me Laynie. I'm used to Pokey, so again, something new to learn & get used to, but I think I'll like growing into that name.

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Day 7 - July 17

Today started out kinda scarry!! I had to go to the doctor, a vetrinarian they called him. It was ..they put stuff in my nose, ears and throat, PLUS gave me a SHOT! But I didn't even cry though. Doc said I was a good patient! I liked him too. His name is Dr. Cowser. He weighed me too, and I weighed 4 pounds. After I left the vet, I got to meet some new people - the Tindells. They are mom & dad's good friends. They are sooo nice!! They all held me and I loved it. I was soo sleepy after my shot so I slept in their arms. I even got to sleep in BED with DeAnne. Did you click on DeAnne's name?? If you did, you can see me asleep with her. Only thing is that it was soooo dark in her room that mom couldn't see to take the picture and cut off my nose. *hehe*

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Day 8 - July 18

Today is Sunday, so my folks went to church and I took a nap. When they got home, we played and then mom & I worked on my webpage. She got some new pictures of me to put on here. I like the way she made little ones to click on. I met sooo many new friends today. I met Wiley and his mom Mary. He is a beautiful sheltie. I met Fancy and Baby at my parents' friends, Walter & Shirley's house. They are Pomeranians. I had so much fun sniffing all the doggie smells at their house coz they have 5 dogs. Click here to see me pokin' around their yard. Mom took pics so we can make a "friends" page.

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Day 9 - July 19

Oh nooooooo....it's MONDAY....Mom & Dad have to LEAVE again! "Aowwwwww!!!" "Owwwwwww" I'm not gonna like it today...I'll write more tonight... Hiiii..it's tonight, and GUESS WHAT?? It turned out to be a GOOD day! Yep! When mom got home, she played with me and took me out walking. I met a new friend, Bailey. She and her mom, Bonnie, were out walking too, and we played and took pictures. Bonnie let me borrow Bailey's baby collar, but when we got home, Dad found a collar that belonged to one of our former dags, so now I'm a "real pet," complete with collar and matching leash!

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Day 10 - July 20

Today the strangest thing happened at 4:00 A.M.!!!! Yeah, the MIDDLE of the night!! I woke mom up wimpering, so she figured I must need to go "potty" so she carried me OUTSIDE to see if I did, and sure enough, I did, but that's not the strange part. The strange part was that when I looked up, who should be coming down the STREET but my new friend, Bailey, and his mom..."Boy, I think I'll wake mom up more often at 4:00 a.m. to see my friends! *hahahaha* Naw, I don't think she'd appreciate that!!

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Day 11 - July 21

Not much to report today...Mom took me walking around the block, and we stopped by to say hello to Bailey, Bonnie & Tammy. When we got back I got to meet Katie's best friend, Angie. We play around, but everyone is getting pretty upset with me because I keep biting hands. I bite HARD too. It really makes mom mad at me, but I can't seem to stop. Also, I have discovered "DIGGING"! It's great fun! But oooooh, mom got upset when I tried it in her GARDEN!! I'm such a DOG!! * hehe*

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Day 12 - July 22

Today is GRRRRREAT!!!! Mom is on vacation and so we have played all day! We got to sit outside a long time together. The wind was blowing and it was kinda cloudy. Mom said it felt like "fall" so she was happy By afternoon, it got reeally hot again. Mom bought me a new retractable leash and a soft frisbee type toy, that is called a "FLOPPY DISK"!!! Isn't that perfect for a wepage making dog!?? Well, I DON't like the leash and I want to play tug-a-war with it....Mom only let me wear it for 3 minutes, so I didn't learn any bad habits with it. I can't wait until tomorrow...I get to go on my first trip...stay tuned for details.....

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Day 13 - July 23

Wow! Today has been awesome!! We went on a V*A*C*A*T*I*O*N!! We headed out from Dallas to go to Llano, and Austin, Texas. On the way down the highway, dad stopped for beef jerkey. We left there and headed on to Llano, Texas, which is in the "**Texas H*i*l*l Country**" and it was awesome. I got to SWIM in a RIVER!! I jumped right in!! Then .we saw deer, rabbits, quail, buzzards, doves, and butterflies! I loved it. I got to meet my Aunt, and my cousin puppy, Bea. She is Goober's mom, and she is older, so she didn't want to play too much, but I did get her to chase me a little. She has a HUGE yard, and I had fun exploring and digging and lying in the cool grass. It was about 100 degrees out, so it was reeeally hot today. I got to stay in a motel with my folks. That was great fun too.

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Day 14 - July 24

Boy oh boy, today was a busy one!! We drove over to Austin to see my brother, Scott. We went out to lunch with him where we could sit at outdoor tables so I could come. Everyone gave me handouts! YUMMM! After going to Austin, we came back to Llano, and played at my cousin's house again. Mom got a perm in Austin, and she says they "ruined" her hair...all I know is that it sure SMELLS different!! I think it looks cute too!

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Day 15 - July 25

Today was so much fun!! We took the LONG way home!! We went sight seeing and went by Glen Rose to see the D*I*N*O*S*A*U*R tracks!! Yeah, for real!!! They are they in limestone, just like when the big guys stepped in that mud. I had a blast sniffing around in the toe prints!!

Then we came on back home, and later this evening, we went over to mom's friend, Pam's house and I got to meet Pam, Sara, and Drew. Drew is a baby and he is sooo cute. He has his own webpage if you want to see it. Mom and Pam played on the computer and I just slept. Oh guess what! I discovered something new today that I LOVE - watching TV!! I LOVE the animal shows. Today I watched one about BIG CATS! I got really scared and ran over under mom when this big lion came running. Mom had to reassure me that he couldn't jump out of there. WHEW!!! I was so glad!

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Day 17 - July 27

Hello, Journal, I'm sorry I missed writing yesterday, but I was just too tired and mom and dad went out for dinner and couldn't help me type. Sooo, I'll tell ya about today. It was so much fun! Mom came home from work at 5:00 and took me outside where I played with Bailey. Wiley still doesn't want to play with me, but he seems to be warming up to me some. Mom brought out a blanket and my dinner and we had a picnic on the lawn. I met more neighbors. I met Chris, and his dalmation, Cinder. Also I met Reed and his friend, Crystal, and his dauchound, Lucky. It was great meeting new people and pets.

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Day 18 - July 28

I'm going to write about last night because I got sick, and this was the first time I ever got sick. At 3:00 a.m. I started howling and crying from my cage in the kitchen...mom & dad put me in there so they could SLEEP!!! But no way...I was sad and had a BIG tummy ache, so I wanted them to GET UP!!!! And sure enough, they did, and brought me outside. I felt sicker and sicker, and when we came in, they took me to their bed and I started to get sick. They rushed me to the bathtub where I proceeded to THROW UP!! UGGG. I don't know why I would do that, but I do know I ate a bunch of junk outside yesterday, so maybe that was it. I hope i feel better soon.

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Day 19 - July 29

Today has been a much better day. I have felt better. This morning mom took me out for a walk, but I really don't like that leash! I want to sniff, sniff, sniff, and mom has to pull me to "come on" and I just get tired of not getting to stop and sniff stuff, and eat what I find. Mom says that I might get reeeeally sick if I eat the wrong thing. So, she has to kind of drag me away from what I want to do alot. I found out that my new friend Lucky has "kennel cough" too, which really has mom worried that I might catch it, but so far, so good. She says she's praying that I don't get it. Lucky's mom was sorry that her kid, Reed, brought the dog out front and got me exposed. Mom called my vet about it, and he said that I had a vaccine for "kennel cough" so that should help, but is no guarantee.

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Day 20 - July 30

I had a great night of sleep last night. I got to sleep in my little airline cage by mom, so I was cozy and not scared. I did wake her up a couple of times, though, playing with my chewy. Tonight I'm sure she will take the chewy OUT!! If I were a "praying" dog, I'd be praying for her coz she is soooo tired in the mornings. She tried to put me in the kitchen to sleep, but I howled soooooo much, I got my way. I guess you could say I'm spoiled, but she says I'm just "loved"! I like that!

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Day 21 - July 31

Today was Saturday, so mom got to stay home!!! Yayayayayay! That meant that we got to spend lots of time together. I had the most fun sitting in her lap while we worked on my page, and I got to watch the animal planet while she typed. They were teaching about training dogs, and I got to see my first Irish Setter! Oooooh, it was soooo pretty. Then I got to watch this guy teach a dog not to jump on people by saying, "NO!!" and pulling on his leash! I sure am learning THAT WORD!! Mom tried to teach me not to hollar at her when she leaves the room by swatting me with a newspaper and saying that word. Ya know, it WORKED! I shut up!

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Day 22 - August 1

Today was pretty slow...I slept alot. Mom took me out several times for a fun up the block and back, but mostly we napped after she & dad got home from church. zzzzzz kinda a nice restful Sunday!

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Day 23 - August 2

Today mom headed off to work early, and I was lonely. I have really been bugging dad lately when he comes and goes. I just can't stand being alone. I hope I will get over this, and my folks do to!!! Today I surfed around some beagle sites, and I found some nice sounding people in guestbooks. I decided to write to a few of them. I hope they write back Tonight was neat - I got to go to Denton to visit my friend, DeAnne, at her new apartment. She is a college student, so she gets to live with a friend, Kelly, and go to school. They have a beautiful place, and I got to meet some of their friends, and their moms & dads..

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Day 24 - August 3

Today was great fun!! This afternoon, mom took me walking and I ran into Bailey and we played, then I met a new dog, Rusty and his dad. I met Sandy and Mike and their dog, Blackie too. Then, this evening mom took me to a track where she and Laura walk. Laura is her former student friend. Laura, and her dad, Nick, her brother, Tommy, and their two dogs, Easter & JayJay met us at the track and we walked 3/4 of a mile. I couldn't believe all the people out there..there were lots of kids playing soccer and other people just walking or running the track! I hope I get to go there again. After that, we went to Laura's house and I played reeeeally hard with JayJay. He and Easter are so nice. I'll have to get mom to bring her camera next time to take their pics for my Friends page. Right now I've crashed on mom's lap as she types this. I'm beat!!

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Day 25 - August 4

I had a great time tonight with mom. Dad has been sick for two days, so I've been extra lonely for mom to get home from work. Today we had a blast! We went on a walk and I got to play with a new friend, Michael. He is a Jack Russell Terrier, and his mom's name is Janice. I got to play chase with Michael, then watch him play with his two frisbees. Man, is he gooooood! He can even climb up the side of a wall to get the frisbee. Mom wants to get the movie camera out and try to tape him for America's Funniest Video show. *hehe*

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Day 28 - August 7

Hiii. I haven't written lately so I'll catch us this morning. It is Saturday morning so mom & I are just relaxing here at the puter. Last nite we took a drive with dad to the lake and I got to sniff around LOTS of new smells. It was fun. Mom was worried that I'd find a YUCKY smell and roll in it, but lucky for her, I didn't. This morning was fun, coz mom & I went walking and found a garage sale, at Blackie's house, where his mom gave me a new toy, a little stuffed doggie with an "H" on it...then mom found some pretty red fabric with flowers on it, and she got it and cut a pretty new scarf for me and Blackie too. Dad got a cool basket and mom tried to take my picture in it. I didn't want to stay in it so it was a trial for her. Then I played in our garden and found a TOMATO on the vine to eat!! Later we are going to go to Blackie's house with the CAMERA to take a pic of us wearing our new bandanas.

Day 41 - August 20

Boy, mom & I have been sooo busy lately we haven't had a chance to write in the journal. I will be 3 months old on the 23rd, so I am sure getting old. Mom says that I've lost my "baby puppy" face. I am learning lots of stuff. I am getting good at "come", "sit", but not too good at "stay". I am better with my potty training, but still like to run off and do it in the house somewhere. Dad is very frustrated with me coz I still yelp all the time to be with him. Mom tells me "quiet" and I mind pretty well. I am still awful about biting and chewing on EVERYthing! I sure hope they don't "get rid of me"!! I've overheard words like that! Pray for me, pleeeeez! Thanks!

Day 45 - August 24

Keep prayin!! Mom and Dad are getting pretty frustrated with me. I have been just biting (snapping) and chewing everything in sight. Everyday, I grab mom too hard and make her bleed. I even snapped at her face and cut her lip. I almost made her get stitches in her hand. They have to just keep me in the cage much more than I like but I can't blame them. Plus, I WET anywhere. They scold me but I still seem to not "get it". I hope they can hold out and wait till I grow up. On the brighter side, I had lots of fun playing with mom today and going on walks. I got to see Blackie and Wiley today. I miss Bailey - haven't seen her in several days!

Day 51 - August 30

I want to write today about my great weekend. I got to go with mom & dad to see our cousins in Houston. Brenda turned 30, which is a "big thing" they say, so we got to come down to celebrate. I got to play with their son, Tanner. He is only one year old, so we were so cute together. He does so many things like I do...he wanders off where he isn't supposed to go, he gets in puddles, he puts stuff in his mouth that he finds, he's not potty trained yet, he LOVES to eat treats, he kinda has a temper when he doesn't get his way, and he is absolutely, totally A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E!!!!!! I'll be adding a link to his trip but my mom has been tooo busy to type for me. *hehe* Come back later to see.

Wellllllllll....Today is September 1st and I haven't written in here for a whole MONTH!!! I have lots of catching up to do. Hope mom can help me sooooon!! :-) @*.*@

Day ???? - October 2, 1999 (Four Months Old Now)

Time continues on and I'm getting much bigger now but mom hasn't had time to help me write in my journal. I will be posting some pictures of me at 4 months soon. But the main reason she agreed to help me write in my journal today is that I got to go to a "Blessing of the Animals" ceremony. Click HERE to see some pictures from it.

October 16, 1999

Today was so fun I want to write about it. I live in Carrollton, Texas, and each Fall we have a Carrollton Country Fair. So me, mom, Elizabeth and Gabriella went to it. We went to see some of our good friend Laura dance in it. There was a stage in the middle where people performed. Mom took pictures, I rode in Gabby's stroller, and got petted by ALL the KIDS! Then this one little girl really wanted to stay with me. She gave me some treats and she told us her name was Katie and that she was five years old. She also fed me some water in her hand. I really liked her. I also got to meet a girl with my SAME name. She spells is different though. She was in the dance performance. The other nice person I met was another dancer named Kristen. Mom knew her from dancing at the same studio last year.
Keep hangin' in there!!!  ...and come back soon!!

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November 23, 1999

Today is a very special day because it it my 6 month old birthday, and also it is the first day of my new home. My first family had to find me a new home because they realized that I really needed more room to RUNNNNNN!!!!! The townhouse was just getting toooo small for me and I was becoming a bigger problem. So I got to move to a new home and NOW I have LOTS of room to run. I really do love it. Also, my family will get to come out and visit me! Plus, I am now a relative of my two friends, Fancy and Baby, that you saw on my "Friends" page. So, I am still a very happy beagle!!!


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