<BGSOUND SRC="/cinnamonsu/ohwhere.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Cinnamonsu says , Poodles would never get caught in this predicament. "OUCH"
PoodleLove's Home Page
PoodleLove's Rainbow Bridge Pets.
Animations from   http://www.gifs.net/
Hi, my name is Buket
My name is Pierre
I was found in a black sheetrock bucket that was turned upside down in a deep ditch along a deserted country road in November 1990. Someone had thrown me away. I was very sick and I had no fur to keep me warm. Heck, I didn't even have all of my baby teeth. My new family has taken very good care of me.  If you ever find someone like me , please save them, after all, we were not born just to be thrown away.                On April 5, 2005  Buket was put to rest after a long illness. We miss him very much.
Before I was six months old I had four different homes. I was very insecure and scared all the time. Well, I've been at Poodlelove Kennel since 1991 and I'm not leaving,  so I guess I can call this home. Please make sure that you have the time and enough love in your heart, to take care of someone like me . It breaks our hearts and spirits  to be passed around so much . Pierre has gone to Rainbow Bridge. We miss him very much.  June 13, 2007  
Hey Dude, Now I know what long tails are for...