Last Update: 10-21-2001

A comic strip created using Petz, by PF.MAGIC

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10-21-2001 The new Fugue site is up! Sort looks pretty awful right now since I haven't designed an actual site for it. But Fugue #2 is posted on it anyway, so head on over to to check it out! This'll probably be the last time I update these news for a while...check by next week to see if I've uploaded a few Fugue comic! =)
9-17-2001 Sorry that it's been a while since I've updated. A number of things have held me back. I've been working on a style to draw Ligeti in, and this is what I came up with: Let me know what you think by emailing me at If this is a decent-enough style, I can get started on the new strips. I've already gotten some good feedback on the one that I posted, so I can definitely say that I'll be making this strip! Oh, and sorry about the forum. It appears to be down, but don't worry...when I start seriously with the Fugue comics, I'll put a new forum on there. Thanks! =)
8-03-2001 Hey, everyone! I don't have the actual site up yet, but how'd you like to see the first "Fugue" comic? =) Click here to read it! Mind you, this is only a test. Please email comments on it at the address posted on the comic, Thanks!
7-21-2001 Well, I've made a decision...I can't continue to do the Cage comics anymore. It's a tremendous amount of work, trying to get just the right screenshots, and then compiling them together into the strips, and that takes time I haven't really got anymore. Not to mention that there isn't much I can /do/ with the strips...I can't legally sell books of them or anything, since they're screenshots from a program. However, this doesn't necessarily mean the end of Cage. I've been giving some thought to starting a "hand-drawn" version. I'm not entirely sure about doing it yet, but if I do, I'll be able to create strips more easily, which means more strips posted more often. Anyway, I've included a picture of Cage (or Fugue?) drawn in the style I was thinking of using. Let me know what you think...and I'm sorry about having to give up the /regular/ Cage comics, but I haven't updated in over half a year, and I'm not going to kid myself anymore. Thanks for all your support!
4-28-2001 Okay, I think I'm about ready to start making more strips...the question I'd like to ask people is, would you like to keep seeing them called "Cage", or should I spin-off a "Fugue" comic? The next couple of series' I'm planning will feature Cage and Neko very little (Fugue is going off to college). I'll have a place on the forum where you can post which one you think it should be. Also, in the meantime, here's a new midi for you to listen to: Cage (full version). Enjoy! And make sure to post; if I don't get any replies, I'll take that to mean nobody wants to see any more comics...
4-1-2001 I am so VERY sorry for not having updated for several months. I know it isn't excusable, but I do have a good explanation. #1: My computer's been acting up. Thankfully, my petz files are all okay. #2: I just started a really good job recently; it pays salary and everything (I'm becoming less like Fugue and more like Cage as time passes here!)...and it leaves me with almost no free time, because I have school too. #3: School is very important right now...after this semester, I will be graduating from college! I only have a month left, so I'll have plenty more time to spend on these kind of things once that happens. But as for right now, I'm afraid I can't make any more Cage comics for another month. Oh, also, once I graduate, I'll have to get a different email address, so I'll let you know what that will change to when I do. Thank you for having patience, I promise I haven't given up.
1-27-2001 Wow, over a month since I've updated...uh, Happy New Year? Sorry, this update doesn't have a comic either. You wouldn't believe how busy I've been with work and school; I'm becoming less and less like Fugue everyday! Anyway, the reasons for this update are twofold: first, I'd like to organize a weekly chat session just to keep things rolling. Every Saturday at 12:00 noon EST, I'll be in the chatroom. Second, I won my first award, since the year-and-a-half I've been running the comic. Thank you!
12-24-2000 Ok, after a long week of finals, #68 is finally up. Man, these waits are starting to become routine. Well, anyway, enjoy...I'll be sure to have one up for New Years. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!
12-3-2000 #67 is up. Again, sorry about the long wait. These coming weeks are going to be finals for me, so I'll try and update next week as normal.

All strips were assembled and written by Mark J. Hadley

All music on this site was written by Mark J. Hadley

Updated every week with a new strip! Email comments to:

Petz1 PetzII Petz3
Catz Dogz
Courtesy of Silver's Petz Site.