(click the photos for larger viewing)

To fulfill the requirements for Education 300, I spent 20 hours at the

local Boys and Girls Club. This was a great experience because I had 

the opportunity to observe students interacting outside of the 

classroom. The club is an excellent place to observe many different 

types of diversity: cultural, racial, linguistic, ethnic, developmental,

and gender differences. One example of diversity that I observed was 

developmental. Power Hour in the library is a program in which the 

children can earn points by doing educational activities according to

their grade level. The age or grade of the children often had little to do 

with what activity they could perform. Some of the 3rd grade students 

were working on 5th grade activities, but then some of their

classmates were struggling with a 2nd grade activity. This was a good 

example of how important modifications of lesson plans can be, and 

how important it is for teachers to be aware of diversity in the 

classroom. Having the opportunity to interact with these students

helped me to develop a better understanding and awareness 

of diversity issues.