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Ronnie's Story

My name is Ronnie Darling, and I was the first dog to enter the picture.  I am two years old.   I was purchased from a breeder in Lakeland by my grandma.  Grandma wanted a Pom, but my mom didn't care what kind of dog I was so long as I was a dog.  I was the last puppy left and the runt of the litter.  In other words, I stole their hearts in about 5 seconds.  As for the stupid name, well, my mom was a huge Mets fan as a kid, and her favorite player was Ron Darling so she named me after him.

I am easily the most submissive of us four dogs.  Those weiner dogs gang up on me and there's not much I can do.  Trust me, you never want to deal with 3 pissed off weiners.  I'm an oversized Pom, so I'm tall, but I lack the confidence sometimes to stick up for myself.  Contrary to rumor, it is NOT because I'm afraid to mess up my hair.  Mom helps me out a little, sneaking me some extra treats when the weiners aren't looking.  What can I say?  I'm a lover, not a fighter

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