About Thé Linden...
First I must straighten something out. Contrary to popular belief, my name Thé is in fact pronounced the same way the word "the" is. The accent on the e is just for decoration purposes.
The "Linden" in my name is the last name that I hope to marry into someday...hehe... just kidding...or am I???*
I will now confess something... I am a bit obsessed with Trevor Linden. He is an ex-Vancouver Canuck, ex-New York Islander, present day Montreal Canadien. I was deeply distressed and angered at the trade that occurred on Februrary 6th, 1998 which took him away from me. I feel slightly better now, as he is back in Canada where he belongs! Now I sorta cheer for his new team, GO CANADIENS GO!
My other object of obsession is Keanu Reeves... It all began with Speed...sigh. Ever since that movie, I've been hooked. I'm even a member of an e-mail picture club where I get a new picture of him everyday! Did I catch your interest? Go here to join yourself! You won't be disappointed!
And now... a story :)
A long time ago, on Dec. 11 of 1998, I saw 98° in concert in Vancouver. When they started singing, a lot of people ran up to the stage (of course I did too...). Anyway, near the end of the show, 98° began throwing roses to the crowd. This girl near me happened to catch one. Well, I couldn't just stand there and not bother trying to get the rose! And by accident, (I swear!) I um... accidentally... broke the flower off of the stem which she was holding... hehe... Oh well... I'm sorry. OKAY! I'm not really... after all, I got a rose!
*The answer is no.