Hey friends!!! How
have you been? Me?
Just waiting for Spring
Time! I could sit
and smell the pretty
flowers all day! I
wouldn't try to eat them...like
Farfel did.
I can't believe he did
that!! Boys. What
can ya do?
Farfel and I are finally
becoming friends!
Isn't that great?
We can't play together
yet because he still
wants to chase me,
but we will get to play
soon. Berry and I
are buddies too.
Berry still chases me
but I know it's okay
because I've known
him for a long time.
I'm still getting used
to Farfel. Why
oh why am I stuck with 2
boys??? I've got
secret hiding places if
I need to hide!
You know, weird things
have been
happening around here.
I think I saw
Berry running with Momma's
in his mouth! Surely
not...? I'm going
to check out what he
typed on his web
page. Maybe I'll
find a clue. I'm great
at figuring things out.
Like, for an
example: Did you
know that when
you chew on a shoestring
it won't
tie anymore? How
do I know this?
I chewed on Mom's new
tennis shoes!
Thanks for visiting me!
I like visitors.
I'm going to go sit in
my hay basket for
awhile. I might
take myself a little nap
too! Bye!