Aquilegia -to- Bird of Paradise
Botanic Name |
Family Name |
Dutch Name |
English Name and where Indigent |
Toxic Parts, Substances and Symptoms |
Type and Degree of Toxicity |
Counter Measures |
spp. : A. alpina L. A. atracta W.D.J.Koch A. caerulea James A. canadensis L. A. chrysanta A.Gray A. flabellata Sieb. et Zuc. Aquilegia hybrids as A. x cultorum Bergm. A. vulgaris |
Ranunculaceae | Alpenakelei
???-akelei Blauwe Akelei Canadese Akelei Gele Akelei ???-akelei 'Langspoor' akelei Wilde Akelei |
??? Columbine |
Probably all parts; seeds for sure. Toxic substances not completely known. Alkaloids (e.g.. magnoflorine, berberine) were found in rhizomen of a cultivar of A.vulgaris. | 6 |
First 4 then 3 NOT Glauber's salt as a laxative! |
Arnica montana | Compositae | Valkruid; Wolverlei | Arnica | Only to be used on medical prescription. Excessive doses can be harmful. | 3 | 2, 4 |
Triglochin maritima (maritimum) | Juncaginaceae | Schorrezoutgras | Arrowgrass | Mainly leaves contain varying amounts of free hydrocyanic acid. | 4 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Triglochin palustris L. | Juncaginaceae | Moeraszoutgras | Arrowgrass ??? | See above | ditto | ditto |
Syngonium podophyllum | Araceae | Syngonium = Kamerplant | Arrowhead Vine; Nephthitis = Indoor Plant | Sharp oxalate crystals | 2 | 2, 4 NOT 3 |
Richardia spp. as R. africana Kunth.; R.albomaculata Hook.f. R.elliottinana W.Watts. see also Zantedeschia spp. | Araceae | Aronskelksoorten = Tuin- en Kamerplanten van Z.Afrikaanse oorsprong | Arum Lily species = Out- or Indoor Plants of S.African origin | All parts but mainly the berries contain sharp oxalate crystals and insufficiently known saponines and the alkaloid aroine (resembles coniine strongly) | 2 | 2 (very MUCH) to remove toxins as soon as possible. In case of external contact, wash with LOTS of water!), 4 NOT 3 without medical advice! |
Zantedeschia species as Z.aethiopica (L.) Spreng.; Z.albomaculata Hook.f.; Z.elliottiana W.Watts | Araceae | Aronskelksoorten = Tuin- en Kamerplanten van Z.Afrikaanse oorsprong | Arum Lily species = Out- or Indoor Plants of S.African origin | See above | ditto | ditto |
italicum Mill. Arum maculatum |
Araceae | Italiaanse
Aronskelk Gevlekte Aronskelk |
Italian Arum, Speckled (or Spotted) |
Sharp calcium oxalate crystals. Soponine and aroine. In all parts of the plant. In BIG doses stomach infections and cramps, finally DEATH | 4, 7 | 2 (VERY MUCH), 4 NOT 3 without MEDICAL advice |
Asarum europaeum | Aristocholaceae | Hazelwortel, ook Mansoor = Tuinplant en verwilderd | Assarabacca = Outdoor Plant and escaped | All parts poss. toxic through etheric oils., | 4, 5 | 2, 3 If external contact WASH! |
Colchicum agrippinum Bak. Colchicum autumnale Colchicum bulbocodium Ker-Gawl. Colchicum byzantinum Ker-Gawl. | Liliaceae | Herfsttijloos Ook als (droogbloeiende) Kamerplant! | Autumn Crocus Meadow Saffron Also as (dryflowering) Indoor Plant | Colchicine, colchiceine. Paralysis of the central nervous system !!! | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
americana Persea drymifolia |
Lauraceae | Avocado Avocado (= het meest in de handel) |
Avocado Avocado (the mostly sold one) |
??? | 6, 7 | ??? |
Azalea spp. right name = Rhododendron spp. | Ericaceae | Azalea soorten: de goede naam = Rhododendron soorten | Azalea species: the right name = Rhododendron species | The leaves contain Andromedotoxine, consumption is mostly FATAL! | 4, 7 | 3, 4, 7 Get medical help FAST! |
Actaea spicata | Ranunculaceae | Zwarte Gifbes Christoffelkruid | Baneberry | All parts, esp. the berries contain an etheric oil resembling protoanemonine | 2, 3, 4 | MUCH of 2 Get medical help FAST! |
Actaea rubra and other spp. | Ranunculaceae | Christoffelkruid | Baneberry (in America) | See above | ditto | ditto |
Berberis spp. | Berberidaceae | Zuurbes | Barberry | Heavily armoured with thorns. Esp. roots contain alkaloid=berberine | 3, 5 |
2, 4 NOT 3 |
Delphinium x cultorum Voss | Ranunculaceae | Bastaardridderspoor | Bastard Delphinium | All parts esp. unripe fruits and seeds contain the alkaloid delphinine and other alkaloids. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Keep warm when necessary |
Helleborus foetidus | Ranunculaceae | Stinkend Nieskruid | Bear's Foot | Saponisides: helleborine, helle boreine; etheric oil: protoanemonine. The heart effects are the same as those of Helleborus niger, and the effects to the nervous system the same as those of Aconitum. Symptoms are: burning feeling in mouth and throat, excessive salivation, vomiting, stomach pains, diarrhoea,, excitation, contractions, slow irregular pulse, heart weakness, dizziness, laboured breathing and cardiac arrest. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Fagus sylvatica | Fagaceae | Beuk = Tuinplant | Beech Tree = Outdoor Plant | Possibly: Saponine in seeds! | ??? | Symptomatic sedation and enveloping medication. Eventually: Laxative first! |
Begonia spp. | Begoniaceae | Begoniasoorten | Begonia species Begonia Rex | Sharp oxalate crystals in sap. | 2, 3 | 4, 7 |
Erica cinerea | Ericaceae | Dopheide, Grauwe | Bell Heather | ??? | 5, 6 | ??? |
Atropa belladonna | Solanaceae | Wolfskers | Belladonna; Henbane; DeadlyNightshade | Especially the berries containAtropine: Increased heartfrequency Hallucinations Carni- and omnivores seem to be more susceptible than herbivores. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4(which is often difficult because of swallowing difficulties). Get medical help VERY FAST!!! |
Betula spp. | Betulacea | Berk (alle soorten) | Birch Tree (all species) | ??? | 3, 5 | ??? |
Prunus avium | Rosaceae | Vogelkers | Bird Cherry | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) . Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest acting toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Prunus pennsylvanica | Rosaceae | Vogelkers (?) | Bird Cherry | See above | ditto | ditto |
Prunus caroliniana | Rosaceae | Perzik, Wilde | Bird
Cherry Tree; Carolina Cherry Tree; Carolina Cherry
Laurel; Carolina Mock Orange; Peach, Wild |
see above | ditto | ditto |
Prunus serotina | Rosaceae | Vogelkers, Amerikaanse | Bird Cherry, American | see above | ditto | ditto |
Padus serotina Borkh. = Prunus serotina | Rosaceae | Vogelkers, Amerikaanse | Bird Cherry, American | see above | ditto | ditto |
Padus virginiana Mill. = Prunus serotina | Rosaceae | Vogelkers, Amerikaanse | Bird Cherry, American | see above | ditto | ditto! |
Padus vriginiana Mill. = Prunus serotina | Rosaceae | Vogelkers, Amerikaanse | Bird Cherry, American | see above | ditto | ditto |
Prunus padus L | Rosaceae | Vogelkers; Troskers | Bird Cherry, Cluster/Bunch Cherry | see above | ditto | ditto |
Click here to go to:
English name unknown | -to- | Aquilegia |
Bird of Paradise | -to | China Berry |
China Berry | -to- | Devil-in-a-Bush |
Devil-in-a-Bush | -to- | Hackberry |
Hackberry | -to- | Kaffir Lily |
Kaffir Lily | -to- | Monstera |
Monstera | -to- | Pieris |
Pieris | -to- | Snakeroot |
Snakeroot | -to- | Yew Tree |
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Updated last on 08/05/99 22:34:32 by Hans