Kaffir Lily -to- Monstera
Botanic Name |
Family Name |
Dutch Name |
English Name and where Indigent |
Toxic Parts, Substances and Symptoms |
Type and Degree of Toxicity |
Counter Measures |
Clivia miniata | Amaryllidaceae | Clivia | Kaffir Lily indigent in Natal/ S.Africa | Rhizomen and leaves contain alkaloid = lycorine which can cause vomiting and diarrhoea! | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Kalmia polifolia Wangenh. | Ericaceae | Lepelboom, Zeegroene | Kalmia | Andromedo-toxine. Consumption of leaves is FATAL! | 4, 7 | 3, 4, 7 |
Polygonum convulvulus L. (see Fallopia convulvulus) | Polygonaceae | Zwaluwtong | Knotgrass; Knotweed | Different -partly unknown- bitter substances; causing liver damage, and fagopyrine-like substance. Eating of uncooked leaves may cause photo sensitivity. Blood urge to face and ears, skin stains, damage to liver and kidneys, and burning eyes may also occur. In Fallopia convulvulus a naphtalene derivate (emodine) and a flavonoid (rutine) have also been found. |
4, 7 | Give the patient MILK. Keep him out of sunlight until photo-sensitizing substance has disappeared from body. |
Fallopia convulvulus (L.) A.Lõve | Polygonaceae | Zwaluwtong | Knotgrass; Knotweed | see above | 4, 7 | see above |
Persicaria maculata S.F.Gray (see Polygonum persicaria) | Polygonaceae | Perzikkruid | Knotgrass Knotweed | Probably all green parts contain -partly unknown- bitter substances, causing damage to liver and kidneys, and fagopyrine-like substances causing photo-sensitization. Seems to be slightly less toxic than Polygonum or Persicaria hydropiper. | 4, 5, 7 | 3, 4 AND make them drink MILK! Keep them in shadow until photo-sensitizing subst. has disappeared from body. |
Polygonum persicaria L. | Polygonaceae | Perzikkruid | Knotgrass Knotweed | see above | ditto | ditto |
Persicaria hydropiper Spach. (see Polygonum hydropiper) | Polygonaceae | Waterpeper | Knotgrass Knotweed | see below | ditto | ditto |
Polygonum hydropiper L. | Polygonaceae | Waterpeper | Knotgrass Knotweed | Probably all green parts. Seems to be more agressive than P.persicaria L. Fresh flowers cause blisters on skin. Poisonings proved fatal to animals. | 4, 5, 7 | 3, 4 And make them drink MILK! Keep them in shadow until photo-sensitizing subst. has disappeared from body. |
Laburnum spp. like | Papilioniaceae | Goudenregen ALLE SOORTEN | Laburnum;
Locoweed; Golden Chain;
Alkaloid (cytisine) ALL parts are toxic, but especially flowers, seeds and roots. CATS are less likely to ingest fatal doses, because vomiting occurs immediately.. | 4, 7 EXTREME LY TOXIC!!! | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help VERY FAST!!! |
Laburnum anagyroides Medik. | Papilioniaceae | Goudenregen ALLE SOORTEN | Laburnum;
Locoweed; Golden Chain;
see above | 4, 7 EXTREME LY TOXIC!!! |
2, 3, 4 Get medical help VERY FAST!!! |
adami Schneid., |
Papilioniaceae | Goudenregen ALLE SOORTEN | Laburnum;
Locoweed; Golden Chain;
See above | 4, 7 EXTREME LY TOXIC!!! | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help VERY FAST!!! |
like Laburnum x waterii Dipp. | Papilioniaceae | Goudenregen ALLE SOORTEN | Laburnum;
Locoweed; Golden Chain;
See above | 4, 7 EXTREME LY TOXIC!!! | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help VERY FAST!!! |
Polygonatum officinalis (or P.odoratum) | Liliaceae | Salomonszegel, Duin- | Ladder-to-Heaven; Lady's Seal; Solomon's Seal | Berries. Insufficiently known: heartglycosides (in unripe berries) with Digitalis-like effects; saponines (in seeds) and sometimes an atrachinon. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST |
Cypripedium = Paphiopedilum | Orchidaceae | Venuschoentje; Vrouweschoentje | Lady's Slipper Orchid | Sap contains chinones; can cause skin reactions | 3, 7 | 2, 4 If only externally, wash thoroughly! |
Kalmia angustifolia L. | Ericaceae | Lepelboom, Smalbladige | LAMBSKILL ; Sheep Laurel Eastern states of USA. Plant does not warn that it is toxic, just like Taxus! |
Andromedo-toxine. Consumption of leaves is FATAL! | 4, 7 | 3, 4, 7 |
Lantana camara L. & other
species such as: Lantana aculeata L.; Lantana crocea Jacq.; Lantana mutabilis Salisb.; Lantana nivea Vent. |
Verbenaceae | Lantana, Gekroonde Inheems in tropisch Amerika, nu gekweekt als potplant/kuipplant, 's zomers buiten. | Lantana ??? Indigent in tropical America, nowadays cultivated as potted plant; outdoors in summer. | Unripe fruits and possibly other parts contain lantanine A & B, which not only causes skin afflictions by photo sensitizing, but also may cause damage to the liver (hepatogenic photo sensitizing). | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get them out of the sun FAST! |
Euphorbia grandicornis | Euphorbiaceae | Wolfsmelk, grootdoornig, cactusachtig, Kamerplant, inheems in tropisch O.Afrika | Large cactus-like plant with thorns AND leaves. Indoor Plant, indigent in tropical E.Africa | Seeds and "The milky sap is as sharp as a wolf's bite", and may be VERY TOXIC. This is true for all Euphorbia species! | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Delphinium spp. | Ranunculaceae | Ridderspoor | Larkspur; Delphinium | All parts especially unripe fruits and seeds contain the alkaloid delphinine and other alkaloids. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Keep warm when necessary |
Lathyrus spp. such as: L. alphaca; L. hirsutus L.; L. latifolius L.; L. montanus Bernh.; L. nissilia; L. odoratus L. pratensis L.; L. sativus L.; L. sylvestris L.; L. tuberosus L.; L. vernus (L.) Bernh. |
Leguminosae | Lathyrus soorten als: Naakte Lathyrus; Behaarde Lathyrus; Breedbladige Lathyrus; Knollathyrus; Graslathyrus; Pronkerwt; Veldlathyrus; Zaailathyrus; Boslathyrus; Aardaker; Voorjaarslathyrus. |
Lathyrus species: | All parts but mainly the seeds. There are two forms of toxicity: Osteolathyrism: caused by an aminopropionitrile (L. odoratus; L. hirsutus; L. sylvestris; L. latifolius): causing blocking of some chemical compounds (carboxyl-groups) necessary for normal structure of collagene and elatine proteins. Effects: agitation and nervously walking around; later crippling and paralysis. Neurolathyrism: amino-acids with neurotoxic effects (alfa-gamma-diaminobutter-acid and cyanoalanine (in L. sylvestris); R-diaminopropion-acid (in L. sativus); and a hydrocyanic glycoside (in L. alphaca) which poison the nervous system. Effects: Stiff and difficult gait, and paralysis (e.g.of the larynx). | 3, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Laurus nobilis | Lauraceae | Laurier Kamerplant of zomers kuipplant in gematigde zones | Laurel Indoor Plant or in summer Outdoor potted Plant in moderate zones. | ??? | ??? | 2, 3, 4 |
Prunus laurocerasus also called: Laurocerasus officinalis M.J.Roem. | Rosaceae | Laurierkers | Laurel Cherry | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) . Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! |
Ficus retusanitida | Moraceae | ??? Ficus | Laurel, Indian | ??? | 5 | 2, 4 If external WASH |
Kalmia latifolia L. | Ericaceae | Lepelboom, Breedbladige | Laurel, Mountain;
Lambskill ; Sheep Laurel |
Andromedo-toxine. Consumption of leaves is FATAL! | 4, 7 | 3, 4, 7 |
Glycyrrhiza glabra (or G. lepidata?) | Papilioniaceae | Zoethout | Licorice Plant | ??? | 4,7 | ??? |
Agapanthus africanus | Liliaceae | Agapanthus Afrikanse Lelie | Lily of the Nile ; Agapanthus | ??? | 3, 5 | 3, 4 Don't let Cats play with the seeds! |
Convallaria majalis spp. | Liliaceae | Meiklokje ; Lelietje der Dalen | Lily of the Valley | All parts contain some 20 heartglycosides: e.g. convallamarine, convallatoxine, convalloside, and saponines: convallarine and chelidon acid. | 4 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST !!! Freshen water in which the flower stands DAILY: dangerous for children and Cats! |
Hemerocallis spp. | Liliaceae | Daglelie Hemerocallis | Lily, Day ; Stella d'oro |
??? | 6 | ??? |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Leguminosae | Robinia ; Acacia, Valse of Witte |
Locust, Yellow Locust, Black Acacia, Black | Mainly bast of trunk and branches/twigs contain toxic proteins (phasine and robine) as well as glycosides (robinoside, robinine, acacimine), tanning substances and an etheric oil. Same effects as ricine (see Ricinus communis, Castor Bean) | 4, 7 | 2, 4 Only after medical advice: 3 |
Eriobotyra japonica | Rosaceae | Loquat | Loquat | ??? | 4,7 | ??? |
Nigella damascena | Ranunculaceae | Juffertje-in-het-groen | Love-in-a-mist | Not mentioned, but presumably same as most of the Ranunculaceae. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Amaranthus caudatus | Amaranthaceae | Amarant ; Kattestaart |
Amaranth |
??? | 4, 7 | ??? |
Lupinus albus L. | Leguminosae | Lupine, Voeder- of Witte | Lupine, Fodder- or White | All parts but especially the seeds contain many alkaloids like lupanine, lupanidine, l-sparteine or lupinidine and angustifoline as well as toxic substances in mouldy plants (e.g. phomopsine A). | 4, 7 | 2, 4 Do not give laxatives containing salt (like Glaubersalt) Do NOT let kittens play with seeds! |
Lupinus luteus spp. | Leguminosae | Lupine, Gele (alle soorten) | Lupine, Yellow (all species) | see above | ditto | ditto |
Mahonia spp. | Berberidaceae | Mahonia (alle soorten zijn populair als sierheester). | Mahonia (all species are popular as ornamental shrubs). | Roots contain alkaloids (e.g. berberine) Effects not very well known, but weaker though alike to those of Ilex (Holly) | 2, 3- 4 | 2, 3, 4 |
Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott | Aspidiaceae | Mannetjesvaren | Male Fern | Rhizomen and stalks contain floroglucin derivates (aspidinol, albaspidine, filix acid, filix tanning acid, filmaron, small quantities of etheric oils, hydrocyanic compounds and enzyme THIAMINASE, which decomposes vitamin B 1. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical advice. NEVER give oils or fats! Yeast is a good source of vitamin B1 |
Mandragora officinarum = M. acaulis Gaertn. = M. vernalis Bertol. | Solanaceae | Alruin | Mandrake | All parts, especially roots contain toxic alkaloids (hyoscymine and scopolamine). Atropine-like effects like with Atropa belladonna L.(Belladonna; Deadly Nightshade, Henbane) | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! Giving NORIT is mostly difficult because of difficulties in swallowing. |
Acer spp. | Aceraceae | Esdoorn soorten | Maple tree species | ??? | 1, 7 | ??? |
Raphidophora aurea; Scindapsis aureus; Scindapsus aurea; | Araceae | Bonte Sirih (Indon.); Scindapsis; Scindapsus. | Marble Queen ;
Devil's Ivy ; Pothos |
Calcium oxalate crystals | 2 | 2, 4 NOT 3 |
Chrysanthemum spp. | Compositae | Chrysanten soorten Tuin- en Kamerplant | Marguerite ;
Mums ; Spider Mums ; Chrysanthemum ; Daisy ; Out- and Indoor Plant |
Some sources mention these Chrysanthemum species giving no further particulars.See therefore Chrysanthemum vulgare, (Tansy, Common), ??? | 3, 5 | 2, 3, 4 |
Calendula | Compositae | Goudsbloem | Marigold | All parts contain a saponoside | 5 | 2, 4 NOT 3 |
Tagetes spp. | Compositae | Afrikaan(tje) alle soorten | Marigold all species | All parts contain a saponoside | 5 | 2, 4 NOT 3 |
Cannabis sativa | Cannabinaceae | Marihuana ; Wiet ; Hasjisj ; Hennep |
Marijuana ; Weed ; Hashish ; Hemp |
Hallucinogens | 3 | 2, 3, 4 Keep cats in space where they cannot hurt themselves! |
Podophyllum peltatum | Berberidaceae | Eendenpoot ; Mei appel |
May Apple;
American Mandrake; Duck'sfoot ; Hog Apple (Iowa) |
Unripe fruits sometimes cause purging. Ripe fruits are least toxic. Resin from rhizomen, roots and leaves is toxic, and may cause serious inflammation of conjunctiva and cornea, and ulcerous dermatitis. One fatal poisoning of a human has been documented. | 4, 5 | 2, 3, 4 If contact is external WASH!!! |
Colchicum autumnale | Liliaceae | Herfsttijloos Ook als (droogbloeiende) Kamerplant! | Meadow Saffron Autumn Crocus Also as (dryflowering) Indoor Plant | Colchicine, colchiceine. Paralysis of the central nervous system | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! |
Euphorbia myrsinites | Euphorbiaceae | Wolfsmelk, komt voor in Z-Europa | Mediterranean(?) Spurge. Indigent in S.Europe | Seeds and "The milky sap is as sharp as a wolf's bite", and may be VERY TOXIC. This is true for all Euphorbia species! | 4, 5 , 7 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Mercurialis annua L. | Euphorbiaceae | Bingelkruid, Eenjarig | Mercurialis, annual | All parts, but especially seeds (etheric oil = mercurialine) and roots (mercurialine, hydrocynanic glycosids) | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST |
Mercurialis perennis L. | Euphorbiaceae | Bingelkruid, Overblijvend | Mercurialis, perennial | All parts, but esp. seeds (etheric oil = mercurialine) and roots saponines and a colouring agent (hermodine) which can colour the urine red. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST |
Asclepias incarnata | Asclepiadaceae | ??? | Milkweed, Swamp; Asclepias | Toxic | 6, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Asclepias quadrifolia | Asclepiadaceae | ??? | Milkweed, Four Leaved; Asclepias; | Toxic | 6, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Asclepias syriaca | Asclepiadaceae | ??? | Milkweed, Common; Asclepias | Toxic, contains cardioactive compounds | 6, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Viscum album | Loranthaceae | Maretak ; Mistletoe ; Vogellijm |
Mistletoe | Mainly leaves and berries contain active amines, the toxic protein: viscotoxine(compound of 15-16 aminoacids), and a saponine which disintegrates into oleonaliic acid. | 3 | 2, 4 |
Phoradendron flavescens and spp. | Loranthaceae | Mistel (? oude Duitse naam) | Mistletoe, American; Indoor Plant | ??? | 6 | ??? |
Aconitum napellus | Ranunculaceae | Monnikskap, Blauwe | Monkshood, Blue | All parts but ESP. the TUBERS contain the VERY TOXIC alkaloid 'aconitine' which is easily absorbed by the skin, but also easily hydrolised. It is toxic even in SMALL doses. | 4, 7 | 2(make them drink VERY MUCH) 3, 4 Get medical help extremely FAST!!! and TELL the doctor the poison is aconitine! |
Aconitum vulparia | Ranunculaceae | Monninkskap, Gele | Monkshood, Yellow | See above | 4, 7 | See above |
Click here to go to:
English name unknown | -to- | Aquilegia |
Aquilegia | -to- | Bird of Paradise |
Bird of Paradise | -to | China Berry |
China Berry | -to- | Devil-in-a-Bush |
Devil-in-a-Bush | -to- | Hackberry |
Hackberry | -to- | Kaffir Lily |
Monstera | -to- | Pieris |
Pieris | -to- | Snakeroot |
Snakeroot | -to- | Yew Tree |
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Updated last on 08/19/99 09:21:01 by Hans