return to the
Tonight it's like things are going backwards.

I'm back at the computer in my parent's house, it's late on a Sunday night, I'm feeling lonely as all hell, and I'm just generally not happy. It's like 1993 all over again.

Except there's alot that's different now. For one, I'm married. And I've just bought a house in LA. I've recently returned from six months of travelling around the world. And I'm in a different place in life. I mean, I think I'm in a different place.

And there's some more timely differences: the World Trade Center exploded five days ago. I stumbled into a candlelight vigil at the Brentwood Gardens tonight. My Dad's getting married in 3 weeks, and I talked to him from the first time in 8 months today.

Man, these are some fucked up times.

I can't get the video of the WTC crumbling out of my head. I want to watch it over and over first it was morbid curiosity, now it's just utter incomprehension. I keep watching it thinking this time it will all make sense, but it never does.

I can't even write. I just want to sit and stare at the wall.