
Good beddings are soft (so that the mouse can play in it) and as free from dust as possible. Do not use pine or cedar - these cause respiratory ailments! CareFresh and similar products are also safe, corn cob can get mouldy fast and dry the air so much that it isn't good for the mice. For nesting material you can give your mice high quality hay (green, not mouldy or dusty), straw or shredded tissue paper. Do not get "hamster cotton" or similar fiber products. This has caused blockages in intestines, deaths by strangulation and amputations of limbs.

What NOT to use



What can be used

    Cellulose (Paper)

In the event of an emergency, groccery store paper bags can be ripped up and used as bedding. Considering that most have large amounts of these bags, this method could drastically cut one's bedding costs


    Non-Aromatic Wood



    Other Safe Beddings