Food Bowl & Water Bottle

   Most important equipment are food bowl and water bottle. Make sure, that the water battle you buy actually works. There are huge differences between bottles from the same manufacturer. Some can't hold water at all, while some don't let any water out no matter how hard to poor mouse tries to drink. For a food bowl a ceramic cup will do, these are available from pet shops. There are also cheaper alternatives - small glass baby food jars as well as cheap tiny coffee cups suit well. Some mice think it's great fun to throw all the food out of the bowl and use the bowl as a toilet. In this occasion you will have to wash the bowl carefully every single day before feeding your mice. If your mouse is one of those who don't care to throw the food out before using the bowl as a toilet, it is better to put the food directly on the beddings. Plastic bowls get chewed up quickly, so they are not as good an alternative.

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